Hi I'll Delurk for a minute...

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Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2007
Southwestern Ontario

I'm a chronic lurker, so I probably won't post much, but I'm generally around! I've two boys currently, and my boyfriend has two girls. My rattykins are Seagram and Wicket -- adorable characters adopted from Kaia at Huron Valley Rat Rescue in Michigan. I live just across the border in Ontario.

I've been following the Guelph rat thread with much dismay. I'm hoping they all get adopted! I used to live in Guelph and periodically visit the town, so I could maybe help with transport to southwestern locations -- as long as I don't have any of my own in tow.

I'd like to thank everyone here for all their time and helpful advice. These forums are my first and best resource for information about properly caring for my beasties!!

Thanks too to Elizabeth for the recent Harlan run -- my boys LOVE the Harlan, though unfortunately the "healthy" Oxbow is now going basically untouched... surprise, surprise...

Okay - so I'll try to attach a few pics --

Wicket as a baby, already working on his innocent expression. I dint do it mum... really....


Seagram, whose coat is a really interesting colour. I think he's got a bit of a light ?cream-coloured? mask and ruby eyes (He certainly can't see worth beans). He's a very unique rat with a mind of his own and an agenda - I just can't figure out what the agenda is, and I'm not sure he knows either, but he's gotta go...somewhere... now.

Hmmm... Gotta figure out how to properly resize things...so I'll just put up one more for now:

Seagram to Wicket: Mmm..hey, can I have a little...just a taste...
Check out how Wicket is just as casually leaning and turning away. They share so well.

Welcome to the Rat Shack!! or welcome to delurking mode. :hello2
I'm so glad to finally meet a lurker. If you go back into cloaking, that's fine too, whatever makes you comfortable. :lol:

Your two sweeties are adorable! and from one heck of a terrific rescue!
Thanks for the welcome... I think I've figured out the sizing, so -- um... I can't resist. I'm gonna post two more pictures!

I've never posted a tribute to the boy I lost last fall, Micro Moo, so I'll at least post a pic of him here from happier days. He died of resp. illness in Sept. of last year at about two and a bit years old. I never expected him to make it that far given his constant myco battles, and I never thought I would get so attached to the crotchety old man.

He was a purchase from a PetSmart before I found out about rescues; they had him hidden away in the back room where they said he would stay until he died because he was a) older and not sellable anymore, and b) he was a biter who had taken a stab at employees and a customer.

They sold him to me for half price to get rid of him, and when the employee brought him out he was this big scared boy velcroed to the front of her shirt and he just hid in my arms (I was a gonner from the minute I saw the big lug.). Anyways, he was not only sick and in need of meds, he was also definitely just a tad hormonal and cage aggressive (who knows how people handled him) with lots of foot shuffling and side rubbing and he constantly tried to mount my old boy Bailey, so they never became friends as I had hoped, BUT he did bond wonderfully to Seagram and Wicket last summer and enjoyed his final months in comfy rat piles. He also became quite trusting of people and even turned into a bit of a squish as he slowed down. He'd be quite embarrassed to know I told you that :> I do hope he's resting in a peaceful place and breathing easy now.


And -- since I wanted to attach this one to the original intro post -- one more of Wicket - Whacha doin' mum?

Okay. I'll stop rambling now. THIS is why I can't post more often!!
I so enjoyed your story about your old man. Very nice tribute to your Micro Moo.

Keep the pics coming, along with your commentaries, of course.
Lovely boys! :heart: I hope that Micro Moo is playing the pan pipes at the Party at the Rainbow Bridge*. How wonderful that you rescued him and gave him a life full of love.

*If you're wondering "What's she talking about???", see the thread in Gone but Not Forgotten.
What a darling. I just laugh each time I hear of pet store employees labeling a rat. Same thing with my mom's rat, also from Petsmart, Noogie was deemed unsellable, a biter, a beast. Boy were they wrong.