"Hey, didn't I just kick you out of here?"

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Senior Member
Nov 26, 2011
Barrie, ON
I'm so happy!
Background: I grew up with two cats. First there is Phanny (Phantom of the Opera), who is now... 11? years old. She had kittens when she was 2 (we got her spayed right after), and we kept one, named Samus. Long story short, Phanny does not approve of her son's existence. In fact, over the years she's developed a permanent stink eye and has had a surly attitude.

I haven't lived with my parents for a year, but this May they moved from a country home into suburbia. Samus is a real jungle-cat, the king of his kingdom, and obviously split the new scene as soon as he got outside. We assumed he took to the Boyne river, where it is lush and there's lots to hunt, or tried to make it back to the old house. My mom told me she was keeping an eye out for him on the roads... so we could give him a burial if we found him. Lately there has been little hope for him to come home, as it's been over 6 weeks and he only lived there a few days.

I got the message last night that Samus came back! Somehow he found this house again! Samus used to be burly and silent, apparently he is now boney and won't stop purring - i guess i would purr too if i was being showered with treats and got my favorite arm-chair back :heart:

While Samus was gone, Phanny's stink eye went away and she was much friendlier.
I have been told the stink-eye is back.

YAY SAMUS!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
and sorry, Phanny :giggle:
I'm so glade he came back!!
I would love to see pix of them.
Cats never cease to amaze me with there strong will and attitude
Is Samus orange?
He sounds a lot like my Simon who is orange, freckled and quite feisty.
I have a Phantom too who is 13.
"Tiddly Tums" is male tho but he gives a mean "stink eye!!" :giggle:
That's amazing! 6 weeks?! Don't let anyone ever tell you cats are anything less than brilliant. Poor Phanny must have been pert disappointed when Samus showed back up. I'm glad he returned, what a relief that must be.