Help with dosage of baytril/doxy... math is hard.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2009
Johnson City, TN
Came home from a week out of town to find that my mom did not alert me that the rats were getting sick. Our vet(not a brilliant rat vet, but tolerable) is awesome and does 24 hour med refills but it seems like every time we get these meds, the concentration is different, and I'm concerned enough about them tonight to check first.

The baytril is the injectable 100mg/ml; 5mls diluted in 25mls of syrup.
The doxy is a suspension at 50mg/ml; 3mls plus 6mls syrup.

The rats we are dosing weigh .75lb, 1lb, and 1.5lbs, so the math should be fairly easy once we know dosage/lb of rat. I've just been on the road for the last two days and my brain is Dee Eee Dee dead. No maths.
Ok the baytril is actually 17 mg/ml (they used a ratio of 1:5 but its liquid into liquid so there is a solution factor which means its really 6 mls of fluid into 100 mg) and the doxy is also 17 mg/ml (ratio of 1:2 but 3 mls into 50 mg)) but there's a solution factor which I have never understood, and hopefully someone can chime in. It would be better if your vet gave you the undiluted bottles and you could mix up your own concentrations.
Now I have to convert your weights to kg. Bbs.
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Rat 1 who is 0.75 lb = 340 g = 0.3 ml twice a day of baytril and 0.2 ml twice a day of doxy

Rat 2 who is 1 lb = 454 g = 0.4 ml twice a day of baytril and 0.27 ml twice a day of doxy

Rat 3 who is 1.5 lbs = 680 g = 0.6 ml of baytril twice a day and 0.4 ml twice a day of doxy
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Thank you! We weren't as off as I thought, but we were overdosing the doxy slightly, and underdosing our biggest on the baytril. Hopefully they keep these ratios so we don't have to math again! You're the best!
Thanks for this. Our aforementioned little fart (Rat 1 above) is no longer responding to Baytril/Doxy at the above dosage, still making monkey sounds after 2.5 weeks of abs. Not sure if he's gotten resistant or what.

We've had poor luck with Zithro in the past due to it upsetting rat tummies and then they would run away from their spoons. Can the Baytril/Doxy combo be increased? I've seen some here:

about going up to 15mg/kg for Baytril but uncertain about the dosages. Our vet is not familiar enough with rats to be of much help here...
You could try adding azithromycin (10 mg/Ib twice a day) to the baytril/doxy (I get azithromycin from the pharnmacy with a prescription from the vet) To my knowledge, it works well with baytril but is not good by itself.
and yes the baytril dose can be increased as you mentioned, ratguide shows a range of doses .....
my vet doses it at 10 mg/Ib twice a day, which is a bit high
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