Hello, from Pennsylvania

The Rat Shack Forum

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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2011
USA, south central Pennsylvania

My name is Jessica. I live in the USA in Pennsylvania. I'm 23 and super shy. This looks like a super cute forum. I don't have a rat yet, but I'm very interested in getting one. (or more) First I need to learn as much as I can, so that's why I joined. :)

I love animals! Especially horses. I have one horse and he is my best friend. We have that bond that you see in movies. I also have 3 dogs and 2 cats. All 3 of my dogs are pomeranians (hence the name, Pommie) I love this breed so much! They all brighten my day and I could not live without them.

I'm a little worried about bringing a rat into my home with the dogs and cats, but I think I can make it work. Or at least learn how too. The cats are pretty well behaved. LOL!

My dream is to step into the photography business. So I'll probably spam the group with a lot of pictures. :)

Well, I can't wait to meet everyone and learn a lot more about rats. Thanks for reading! :)
Welcome! I'm new here too, lol, and I know how you feel about being shy and all. haha

Rats (and mice) are AWESOME pets! I'd be more worried about the dog, as my cats are TERRIFIED of the rats, haha (one of my first rats was a large male rescue and he liked to terrorize them, haha).
Welcome! =) Rats are super pets, and it's great that you joined a good forum before rushing out to get a pair. (yep, pair! At least. Having a friend for a rat is as much a requirement as making sure they have water)

I highly recommend wandering around the forum sections rat chat & pics along with Health and General Care to find random information and ideas of what owning rats is like.
Welcome to the Shack!

Kudos for doing you research before getting your rats :thumbup: (I had one of my girls for months before I did any research at all, and I felt soo guilty when I realized how much I was failing her.)

Some threads to get you started:

To help you find a proper cage: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2873

A discussion about which foods are best and where you and find them: viewtopic.php?f=38&t=12402

There's a lot of great information and experienced people on here, also tons of adorable pics, so have fun looking around :)
You are doing the right thing by first reading up on them and proper research too. As you now know, rats must be in pairs, they are very social and need another rat in order to have a full, healthy and happy life.
I've got dogs and cats along with my rats. If you can keep them well secure, there shouldn't be a problem in multi pet homes.
I'm so jealous...you have a horse!
Yes, I'm finding out 2 rats (or more) is better then one! But I think I will just stick with 2. :D

And I've started to feel less worried about having a multi pet home. I know I can keep the rats secure and that the dogs and cats will learn.

LOL! I love my horse. :D

Thank you, mamarat!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Hi Jessica!!!! :welcome: to the Rat Shack!!!

You'll have a great time on this forum! There is SO MUCH to learn and there are awesome people with amazing knowledge about rats and their well being. You are going to be super knowledgeable once you've soaked up everything there is to learn on here.

Holler if you need anything! I am in Virginia so it is really nice to see people from my area!!! :bunnydance:
Ahh, I didn't see these till now! D:

YamiNightwing said:
Hello! You and I have the same name! xD
I'm new here too, and extremely jealous of the amount of animals you have.

Hello! Yay, Jessicas!! XD Thanks, I love all my animals even though they are bad. :D

jennifervb said:
Hi Jessica!!!! :welcome: to the Rat Shack!!!

You'll have a great time on this forum! There is SO MUCH to learn and there are awesome people with amazing knowledge about rats and their well being. You are going to be super knowledgeable once you've soaked up everything there is to learn on here.

Holler if you need anything! I am in Virginia so it is really nice to see people from my area!!! :bunnydance:
Thank you!! I've soaked up so much already!! This is a wonderful place!!

And I'm very excited to find someone from my area. I live in Southern PA, so I'm petty close to VA. So if I ever do need anything I'll be sure to give you a yell! :)

Thank you temblabamomo and ChrisK for the welcomes as well! :D