Hand sanitizer around rats:

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Senior Member
Dec 9, 2010
East Bay California
I have a bit of an obsession with hand sanitizer. Do you think it's safe to use right before handling one of the rats? I have a few lickers and I'm always nervous if they lick my hand if I just used it.

Whatcha think?
I would say absolutely not safe. If the alcohol is not completely evaporated, it could do a lot of damage even in small amounts, more so with continued exposure. More so, hand sanitizer has lots of fragrances... probably not the best thing for your rats to ingest. It's probably a good idea to wash your hands with soap and water before handling your rats to get rid of the sanitizer residue.
The problem with gel-based hand sanitizers and immediate handling is coming from two directions- one, that's not a normal alcohol to consume, it's not meant to be ingested in any way and is known for wrecking up human guts when WE try it. Not something I'd want them to lick! Two, because it's suspended in that thick gel, it stays damp and fumey on your skin for longer. They're breathing it in even if they're not licking you. Personally, I'm a fan of rubbing alcohol for this purpose! Splash a little in my palm, scrub with a piece of paper towel, evaporates quicker and cleaner than gel sanitizers.