Goli's a hurting boy...update 05/17

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Toronto, Canada, Earth
Poor Goliath had a freak accident tonight while roaming around. He was out on the livingroom floor with Faline and he's still quite wary around her. She is totally enjoying the Power since she's always been a subordinate all her life. So she sometimes bulldozes up to me and he runs...nothing ever happens because he runs away :D

I heard a squeak in the bathroom and thought nothing of it, then I heard another...so I went to see if Faline was "harrassing" him. Then she ran over my foot as I was walking to the bathroom. I looked around then heard another little squeak and saw him hanging from his wee paw that had gotten stuck behind those shelf things that go over toilets (too tired to think of the name). I got him loose and his poor foot looked awful. Poor bubby had metacam shoved down his throat so fast! He might have broken a toe, I am not sure...it was hard to tell, then when the swelling came up his foot straightened up.
I wonder if he jumped off of something and somehow caught his foot?...only Goliath. :roll:

He was still trying to run around, albeit not using that sore paw. He still licks me calmly and bruxxes when I stroke him through the bars. He's sore but he's okay. I have a waterbottle on his shelf, I will feed him his baby cereal on his shelf, and he's got his cube so he can just stay there and heal.

He just needs lots of well wishes and cyber cuddles.


It looks pretty good this morning, but i gave him another small dose of metacam (much to his disgust...blech).
He bounded down the ramp to get his brekkie with Faline. Still makes me laugh that she even pokes him with her nose and he freezes then jumps and runs. I have never seen such an evil "grin" on Faline's face before. :lol:
Silly little trouble maker maybe he will think twice before going where he shouldn't. Who am I kidding he is a rat, rats think they belong anywhere and everywhere. He looks irritated with you in the last picture =) "Let me down dang it, I need to have fun."

Flower did that one time she tried to come off a ramp in my homemade cage the wrong way and got her front paw stuck in the hardware mesh and was just dangling there screaming bloody murder. Needless to say I reached up to grab her, got bit in the process(I bled like crazy) but got her loose. Her foot looked just like Goli's but by the next day you would have never thought she hurt it at all. It was still swollen a little but it did not phase her one bit.

It is amazing how well they recover from injury.
Awww poor Golli.... what a silly guy :heart: I hope you get well soon little man....*kisses* :heart:
Last night I had the wee beast out, and thought he would stay on the couch with me and share my dinner...nope. :roll:

He was EVERYWHERE! Climbing everything he could, running up to me and bouncing, popcorning around and being a silly happy boy like before. :thumbsup2:
The swelling has gone right down but I do think that one toe is broken, but as we know there's little we can do, but let it heal.



And cuteness in his cube :D


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