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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Guelph, ON

I highly enjoy this photo ;D Makes me giggle. She's checking out a bird, by the way.


This is Islay, our newest addition. She's my old dog's niece and came to us at a year old last November. She's a darling. (and she loved Shelagh!)


Here's Indy, my first dog, died July 4, 2006. She's pictured with my duckling (long story!) while I keep a close watch. ;) She was very trustworthy around small animals though. Just nervous around them.


This is Pego. Not my mare, but I rode her for a few months this year and loved her. Even during her mood swings. And yes, taking a photo of a horse while leading it is a challenge, hehe.


I love this photo. This is a few hours before we put her to sleep.


More flattering of Alice!

My sister's cat. I'm proud of this shot though it's huuuuge.
Thank you :D

Sometime we'll have to meet up again! And there seem to be a surplus of Toronto residents so perhaps some Rattie Day is in order, hehe.
Well I sure have a bunch!


This is Dreamer, very pretty mare. And a very generic name.


Four years ago on my first cattle drive literally in the middle of nowhere. We were surrounded my mountains. Lovin' the pants.


Taken around 7 am (we had been riding for three hours already!) after the horses spooked...we saw a bear. So we thought it best to give them a little rest before moving on.




This is Bud. Or Magnefiek as his show name. My aunt's prize stallion that I'm not allowed to ride. :(
That is a horse I think I have seen somewhere. :)

He's worth a ton of money and is carefully trained,Jo, and being a fit stallion might be too much for just any rider.

He is gorgeous!!!! love his confirmation and I bet his extended trot is out of this world!
*nods* He was imported from Holland, and like Shelagh said, not a horse for the faint of heart, lol. I guess that applies to stallions in general but Bud's particularly moody. Just walking by his stall he'll kick out his legs at the door and cause quite a ruckus.

Then again I've never successfully sat on any of her horses over the years. The longest was about a minute before I was thrown, haha, and this is before they've been asked to go anywhere!

He's definitely a wonder to watch though. Dressage and jumping. :) The free jump is my favourite. :D I don't know why that photo was taken off the web.
Thanks guys! Don't encourage me though, I have a camera addiction ;)

Oh, and I should note none of the horses are mine, lol, I just was assigned Pego for a few months and Dreamer just happened to be standing there before I tacked up someone's gelding :)

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