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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
They had a mother come in with triple back to back litters, all absoutely gorgeous. Very nice, healthy rats!

They are in adequate display type enclosures, but with pine bedding, and some cloths reeking of urine. Does anyone live close enough to check in on them periodically, and be their advovcate? Athough they are friendy, the fuzzies could use some more socialisation. Athough I am tickled with mine however.
Huh, pretty sure I saw them on PetFinder a little while ago. Good luck with trying to help them out! I'm too far away (and I've limited myself to my two PEW boys), but they seem like sweethearts!
Thats them, yep. My friends and I took a bunch, but then the poor love had another litter.


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I hope that you are able to help this poor mama and her babies ..... I hope that they all find good loving homes
I obviously am much too far away ... but my thoughts are with you
Thanks SQ, I will. Animal Services units dont seem to be as equipped for rats as regular shelters and rescues, and they have 2 moms and 4 litters. They seemed to be very eager for supplies, so in addition to the straw I gave them a suitcase of my own shirts and fleeces.

Their volunteer did a great job of socializing them, and they were playful and easy to photo. The pics are all the girls, except for the last one.







You went and got em? Wow, fantastic, and congratuations! Im fostering their mom and a new litter of pinkies, as well as 2 brothers to yours who are sweet and cute just like their mum. They are all very nice rats, and give no trouble. Are yours girls, or the 2 boys?


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wow, another litter? I got girls since I already have girls.

The girls at the shelter were a bit shy at first but came around quickly. It was so hard to take only 2. They've been chilling in their hammock and letting me pet them since they've been home.
One of the staff helping me unload dog food recognized my car he'd seen sometimes in the mornings, from the licence plate that says LUV RATS. He said "You know, we have some rats here." I said "that's why I'm here!" lol
Haha thats great! My prediction is that you will cave and go back for the others, like I did. I was originally misled by the pic of the 4 agouti rats on their ad. I was slightly shocked to find it was more like 40, but then I thought ok np I have dealt with this before.

Where in Miss do you live, can you pm me?
If you decide to get the other 3 girls, I will give you the 40 lb bag of bedding I was going to bring to AS for them.
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Here are Sunshines babies at 2 weeks. There are 6 and 6 ...8 agouti and 2 Mocha lilac cinnamon or whatever the color is



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Cute little guys! I live in Etobicoke, not far from the Mississauga shelter, and I've been thinking of adding another male to my three (probably in two cages) because one of them always seems to end up on his own. What's the adoption fee? The website only gives a range for all small pets.
They charge $7, I believe. I havent been there since the pups were born. Im due to bring them some bedding any day. I think there are 2 boys left, but they might be traumatized to be separated.
I just saw them all at the Canadian Pet Expo yesterday. So they aren't at the shelter this weekend. There were 4 baby girls, a separate cage with mom (not sure why?) and a cage with 2 boys. I was charged almost $7 each.
Aw those babies are gorgeous <3 will you be finding them homes or will they be returning to the shelter? I fostered two from the TAS, and decided to adopt them lol I don't think we have many rats at ,TAS
I tried to get some pics but my camera really sucks at taking pics of the fast moving ratties. I took a ton of pics but these were the best. These are from a few nights ago. The girls are super friendly. My one rat who I thought was going to be the biggest bully to them turned out to be more like a big sister. So cute.


Thanks for the cute fix. Im so infatuated with this family of rats, that I would love to keep in touch with anyone who has a relative . The mom jumps to me wherever I am in her 14&#8211;foot room ...sometimes she falls, but is so determined she keeps on trying. They are almost the friendliest rats Ive ever had, I guess breeders call that self &#8211;socialized?

Last night I woke up with a baby in my bed. Ive never known a rat to squeeze out through such narrow bars, but she must have been determined, and instead of hiding or escaping under the door, she traversed a roomful of furniture, jumped 4 inches onto the bed frame, and climbed the rest of the way. It was the same baby that refused to leave my friend! That rat is something else.

The shelter has offered to take them back, but if I can find a 2 bedroom apartment soon, I may be able to keep them and maybe train for tricks and movie work. I do horses, but the rats are smarter.
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I've had girls squeeze through 1 inch bar spacing, so I know it is possible.

Sounds like everyone else is super friendly as well as super smart! I did do some clicker a while back, it was really fun.

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