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New Member
Jun 1, 2018
Dalhousie, New Brunswick, Canada
So I brought 3 babies into the house recently, I gave them the weekend to settle in before i started handling them. Well this morning I wake up nice and early to spend some quiet time just getting them used to me... And discovered that 2 were missing a very important part.....their balls. I got a male and 2 females. I contacted the girl i got them from and she let me pick up two other boys. now i know I hhve 3 boys because they all have baby love furry love torpedoes! I'll post pics when i get on my iPhone!
The boys :)


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LOL what a shock! But now it's all sorted and they are cute! I once picked up a rescue rat... the lady told me it was a female with a large tumour. Turned out the tumours were the males testicles. LOL

Ha. I love that story. heeeheee. I found my guy by the garbage & I didn't have a clue except he wasn't a roof rat. I let him roam on the couch. OH NO!!!- fresh blood all over. The only thing I saw was a HUMONGOUS "tumor" under his butt. I just knew it exploded so my daughter-in-law, Betty flew over & took him to Vet Emergency-only game in town on Sunday. The blood was a bumblefoot that broke open. The "tumor"-? one healthy set of bollz!!! I died right then!
LOL like the little girl godmother adopted and so she fixed up the cage all in pink and when the little rattie girl hopped into the cage she saw his balls .... the people who were getting rid of him thought he had a couple of large tumours and didn't mention it to her.
Lol! We should have a sticky page Just for funny stories like these - to take a breather from sad posts & circumstances when needed :D
and so she fixed up the cage all in pink
Male rat owners were complaining Chewy doesn't let them pick Lava Ledge colors to avoid feminine ones like purple. But if I'd gone with boys, their hammocks would still be pink, as it's my best color & they're made from my old clothes. This way I can say I have a rat up my sleeve. A long sleeve is their favorite shape, unsurprisingly.
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I'm so worried that Trouble is actually a female! He she is the youngest I've had and only just reached the age that I got Nitro at so I'm pretty sure I have another week or two before we know for sure.
If she is in with boys, please separate her.
I hope that either I am wrong, or that she is not pregnant

the pics below are from lilspaz68

20 day old girl.jpg

20 day old boy.jpg

sex 5 week old boy.jpg

sexing girl 5 weeks old.jpg
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How long has she been in with the boys?
Watch for signs of her being in heat ....... such as freezing and trembling when you stroke her lower back, arching her back when touched, vibrating her ears, and running in short fast bursts. Not all rats show signs of being in heat so not seeing it does not mean anything, but if you see signs of her being in heat, then she is not pregnant
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