we had them out again last night. I have two litter boxes out, the boy went over while playing and used it, i was beyond excited lol
we have two couches in there, one has it legs still but the other one doesn't. So they can only get behind and under the one couch. That is only because i cannot figure out how to stop them lol I am thinking about buying a couple foam noodles for the pool and using it to block off the couch. I have to move the recliner chair out when we let them out since I was warned that can be a death trap for them. That is the only thing minus the book shelf they can crawl under.
It took me 4 rearranging attempts to get to where i did not have to jump up every 3 seconds because they found another opening.
Joanne it scares me to be bitten by one of these guys
I have biter rats which i am ok with but I want no part of her teeth sinking into me lol. She did it that one time, and hasnt done it again, I have been giving her some cat treats as a bit of bribe when I go to her, hoping she will see i have food for her. Outside of my 13 year old, no one else in the house will randomly go up to our animals they are worried they will bit them.
How much should they be eating? I am having a hard time judging if they are eating enough. I have a bag of zupree ferret food coming today, I have a square basket in there but it never gets empty, about half empty before I fill it each day. I tried chicken but they wanted no part of it, is there a can food i can get them to help them get weight back on?
We are having a blast with them, and it is really been interesting. I still cannot adjust to the ferret smell though so i keep changing their bedding every day to keep it from being overwhelming LOL