Fattening up

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Rat Enthusiast
Aug 18, 2014
North Carolina, USA
I rescued Myles a little while back, his thread here if you haven't read it(his name was Mello back then):

He's got healing bumble-foot and mites from his horrible conditions before, but we are healing. He needs to gain weight from eating that bird-like/hamster food. He is just skinny and it is noticeable when you look at his whole body. His head is bigger than it, and you can feel some bones, but it isn't horrible. He is about 350-370G at around a year old, but you can tell that it isn't his ideal weight. I know avocados and bananas are fattening, but I don't want to give him too much of those foods. What else can I do? I haven't given him either yet. Just his oxbow and fruits and veggies. :thankyou:
Bananas and avocado would be fine in moderation. Maybe a bit of soy baby formula mixed into his food? He was probably deprived of protein from his early life.

If he is lively, though, you might not have to do much. What does your vet say?
He hasn't been yet. I have been getting advice from him(vet) over the phone and such, but I always have so much going on that I always forget like a dummy! I will ask when I talk to him next. I will be going to the store in the AM for those three things so I can help him out. He has good energy and is healthy other than his few problems. He is a sweetie. If he was deprived, do you think he will stay small the rest of this life?
a good, healthy diet should allow him to gradually put on weight if he is eating
Does he have a good appetite?

a piece of ripe banana is healthy, and rats like peas
If you feel he needs more nutrition, organic soy infant formula has good nutrition for rats that are ill (also for orphaned baby rats & elderly)
He eats very well. He does have some food aggression when taking treats but I think that is from him being used to being hungry all the time(in his old 'home'). I expected him to put on at least some weight since I got him but he hasn't. Do I make a mush of the food and infant formula? Or just pour it over the Oxbow?