Exterminator visit today - Got Buddy out of the house!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2007
California, U.S.A
I love my condo developers. They couldn't sell their units so they began renting them out.

Not a problem... provided that you properly screen the people. To make a long story short, my immediate neighbors were evicted, lost their court case and left last weekend.

Too bad they didn't take their cockroaches with them. :redhot:

The little nasties haven't migrated to my unit yet, but I made it clear that I would be pursuing legal action and damages if any infestation occurred in my condo. I am not responsible for their failure to follow up on their own policies.

In an effort to appease their irrate homeowners, they have agreed to exterminate all connecting units at their expense.

I wonder how much they will appreciate the invoice I will be sending them for the time I lost from my businesses in prepping for the exterminator's visit and finding accommodations for my boy.

Needless to say, I had to get Buddy out of the house. He spent last night with a friend from the vet's office. It would be an understatement to say that my little man was not, AT ALL, pleased! He can't mingle with her two female rats and the hamster was happily burrowing in his bedding. The cat stuck her nose into the cage and decided that Buddy was not interesting. (imagine the insult!).

I am hoping that I can bring him home tonight. It depends on whether or not there are any fumes left when I get home.
Since my unit has not suffered any infestation, they are only spraying in the kitchen and bathroom. Nevertheless, I do not want my boy to be subject to any of that crap with his current respiratory issue.

In the worst case scenario, he will have to brave it out for one more night. Pray that I don't have to do that to him.

He doesn't like being away from home and I don't want him to greet me with his butt cheeks for the next two weeks.

I will be checking on him every day until I can bring him home.

My poor little Bug-a-boo. I don't like sending my boys away for the night but in this case, it was critical. :sad3:

Extermination sprays and little rat lungs do not get along.
I hope Buddy can come home tonight....and that he is not angry with you......how upsetting to be greeted with his butt cheeks for the next two weeks. :giggle:
lol.. it's true, they do pout for a while after. Aww, I bet Buddy will be so relieved to see mom again he'll be jumping in your arms.
Looks good that Buddy can come home tonight!!!! :bunnydance:

They have finished exterminating and apparently the spray is odorless. They recommended giving it 4 hours to settle and not to use any cleaning agents for 5-7 days in the kitchen and bathroom. I can wipe down with water up to 2 inches away from the walls.

That's fine with me, I clean my place every week so it will survive a week without being disinfected.

I will haul out of here at 3:30 so I can go put my house back in order and then go collect my little rat-package. He will get extra yogurt with his dinner tonight. :love4:
I had to deal with those little buggers at my last place. My upstairs neighbour was infested with roaches - it was disgusting! I found exterminators were not very effective and had to take extra measures to protect myself. Make sure and close off access to your unit - check where your pipes come in and make sure to put caulking in any cracks or gaps that may allow access. Make sure your light fixtures are securely sealed aslo. I put boxes baited with poison in several inconspicous places around the house. In the cupboards where I kept food I put a few bayleaves in the corners. And I made sure my front door had good door sweep on the bottom that made a secure seal. Once I did that I didn't have any more problems. That is, until the old b***d fell asleep with a cigarette and burned the place down. Sure took care of his coacroaches though!