Essential oils and rats

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Savannah, GA
Is anyone aware of any essentials oils that may be of harm to rats? I have started diffusing them in my bedroom and would like to do so in my living room (rats are close to there). But, if they are harmful to rats, I will not.
I know that way back when, I used to use scented candles and my rats would go into sneezing fits so I stopped using it.
I'm not sure if your ratties would react to your scents.
The thing I'm concerned with is natural versus those fake scented things. So, I know that a lot of herbal remedies and essential oils are used for pets, just nto sure which are bad... so I have to do my research.
I heard that citrus oils are actually good for the rats. A long time ago, I have also heard that eucalyptus was good for the lungs as well.
Sorry, can't help you with anything bad.
The information I know is for oils and such given orally, like in their foods and such. I've only ever heard bad things about aromatherapy and pocket pets, as it can irritate their resp systems.

Males aren't supposed to have citrus oils, the d-limonene can cause kidney problems/cancer...

Here is a list of poisonous plants, maybe that'll help.
I've been reading some articles and it's very interesting that some of these are toxic to rats in high doses, and not low. The pump certain kinds in high doses to form cancer causing carcinogenes for research. Boo!

Anyways, I think I will contact a hollistic vet.
jorats said:
The d-limonene has to be consumed in huge amounts for it to cause kidney cancer.

As with most things, in moderation it probably wouldn't do any damage. I'm just a fan of Err on the side of Caution. I'm one of those wonderfully paranoid sorts! ;)
S'why I said I only know for actual ingestion. I have no clue what it would do if used as part of aromatherapy.

Finding a holistic vet may be your best bet. They'd be able to tell you exactly what sorts of amounts and time frames are appropriate.
I don't know about essential oils, but I occassionally burn some incense and the rats have never been affected by it. We live in a completely open concept place though so it dissipates throughout the whole 700ish sq feet and is not concentrated in one room.
I quit using incense when I got rats, because all that emits is smoke. Esp if you are using synthetic fragrances with anything candles, air fresheners etc. Some contain phthalates which to me are not good. I do not burn candles in my home, but I make my own wickless candles, wax tarts, soap etc. I use to diffuse lemon for one of my asmatic girls I read somewhere it helped with asthma attacks it did help a bit. It depends on the essential oil too, each one may have a different warning on it. I love using essential oils in my salves though for the rats, it really helps w/healing.
I'm not sure as to what is essential oils - but lavenderoil is very corrosive and can damage rat-lungs, so anything lavender should be avoided
Effects on allergic response

Kin, H.M., Cho, S.H. (1999). Lavender oil inhibits immediate-type allergic reaction in mice and rats. J Pharm Pharmacol,51(2): 221-6.

Summary: Lavender essential oil was used both on and under the skin of mice to test cell-mediated immediate-type allergic reaction. The researchers found that lavender
oil inhibited these allergic reactions by mast-cell degranulation ... ces%20.htm
I miss my scented candles, my plug in air freshners, my perfume etc, but I have stopped using all of that for my rats. I would think that essential oils being such a concentrated smell might hurt those sensitive lungs over the long term.

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