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Willow Bean

Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2007
Fargo, ND
Story Time:

Last night during Willow and Brenna's playtime I decided that it would be nice to fold some socks. I put the laundry basket on the bed and started working on the laundry. As always, Willow has to be right where Mommy is, so she sat her little butt down on the socks I was folding. I told her that she was such a naughty girl as I stroked her cute little nose and forehead, laughing at her need for constant attention.

So I set her on the floor and she decides that she wants to be back up with me. Willow has discovered, since she was very, very young, that if she stands on your foot and tugs at your pant-leg with her paws that you will pick her up and give her cuddles and maybe a yogie. So she goes at it, ever the toddler, "Mom! Mom! MOM! Hey mom! Pick me up! Hey MOM!! Mom! MOOOOMMMMM!!!"

You can't leave that un-adorned, so I picked her up and put her in the basket. I go to pick up a sock, but it gets pounced on. I pick up another, there goes that one as well. It's cuddle time.

Brenna got put in a time out for chewing on the camera no matter where I tried to hide it, so it's Willow and Mommy time. I got this video:

Is that a spoiled rat or what?!?
So sweet!
She really is enjoying those cuddles in the basket, looks like you put her right to sleep.
This story proves rats do love their humans, just like dogs. :D
hehe, She is definatly a one-of-a-kind! When people want to know if rats are cuddlers, I always pull Willow out to show to them.

Thanks, everyone, for your sweet comments! I'll have to try to get some more pics and videos of my rats to share! :grouphug2:
Funny how she looks just like my Jezebel but Jezebel would rather be bouncing off things. :lol:

Oh my thats was so sweet and it put a huge smile across my face! :D
I can't believe that she turned 1 on December 28th!! ...I've been trying to figure out for forever and a day how she got so sweet and calm! Do you think that it was her early, early upbringing and handeling, her genetics, something I did right or is she a just plain extraordinarily rare in her sweetness? She's the only female that I have seen so far who is so calm, she's more a lap rat than my boys and Moosh is a total lap rat!
Awww, she looks so content. Just watching that power-ed me down to relax mode too.
They're all little individuals right from the start, but all the things you mention go into making them that way. Their humans sure have a big hand in whether it's their good stuff or their bad stuff that shines thru tho.

Your pretty girl is obiously very content with herself and her life.