Choking to death... almost.

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Loving rats since 2002.
Jul 20, 2007
Northeastern Ontario
This morning, I awoke to a most terrifying noise. I could hear this loud whistle kind of wheezing and I knew immediately something was wrong. I ran to the cage and started looking for Jasper, I recognized it as those end of life gasping and he's the only one with lung disease. I spot him curled up sleeping in his ball not making a peep. At this point I'm panicking. I see Jorge in the corner turning blue. I grab him out of the cage and listen to his lungs. There are no breathing sounds at all. He was dying. I sit on the couch with him, crying... I think back, he was active yesterday, climbing all over me, happy as can be. Could he have aspirated something? I do the sling and also something similar to the Heimlich maneuver. He goes limp and turns completely blue. I pet him and say my goodbyes... I'm crying so hard now... I spot my son's inhaler and pump two breaths in his mouth. What seems like ages, but really 5 minutes later, he rallies. I put him in a carrier and shove some Baytril down his throat, he licks it in between gasps. He's so cold and still blue, but I give him Ensure. He laps it up. I run to the bathroom, wash my face, I come out and just when I was about to have complete meltdown, I listen... no sounds, no gasping. Is he gone? I tiptoe to the carrier and find him breathing through his nose and bruxxing. I know he's not out of the woods yet. I wrap him up to keep him warm and encourage him to drink some more. 2 hours later, it's like nothing ever happened. His lungs sound clear and he's breathing great. This was truly a most horrifying moment for me. Jorge is only 18 months old. Part of the three Romeos, my alpha, my darling boy. Tonight he's running around, climbing, playing and enjoying his treats, yep, had to give him some burger, he so deserves it.
I have been thanking God all day for his life... for not taking him from me just yet.

My sweet Jorge... still with me.

It had to have been choking, he's not sick at all, even after this event, he's completely back to normal and healthy. But I'm continuing baytril for a couple of weeks, this event might have been so much stress, could bring on myco.
The inhaler is Salbutamol. I think it allowed his lungs to open up more to allow more breaths.
Oh wow that is terrifying. I wonder if he has something wrong in his windpipe that blocked up?

Obviously nothing came out when you did the Fling, so there was no lodged item.

Jo, you must've been terrified. :shock:
OMG, thank god he's ok! That truly is a very scary experience Jo and I'm so happy he's ok.

I've had a few close calls, but thankfully they were still breathing somewhat. Sounds like you were there at the right time, and did everything to save your dear boy's life. WHEW!!

Please give him a gentle scritch for me.
I'm so glad Jorge is doing well now. Is he still settled?
So how to you do the fling and Heimlich maneuver on rats?
Dewi said:
I'm so glad Jorge is doing well now. Is he still settled?
So how to you do the fling and Heimlich maneuver on rats?

ONLY when the rat has stopped breathing or is unconscious, otherwise this could lodge the stuck item more firmly or somewhere else more dangerous and kill them. Its never to be done lightly. Joanne did it at the exact right time.

Fingers crossed it was only a Jorge anomaly...and never rears its ugly head again! :shock:
He's still doing great, like nothing happened. I did the Fling only because I knew he was dying and I was trying anything at this point. The Heimlich maneuver, you feel for the ribs and the little gap in between and press upwards firm but gentle. I had to do that once on another rat and it dislodged a piece of chicken grizzle, she had been chewing on a chicken bone. She too was gasping. Really scary!!
jorats said:
He's still doing great, like nothing happened. I did the Fling only because I knew he was dying and I was trying anything at this point. The Heimlich maneuver, you feel for the ribs and the little gap in between and press upwards firm but gentle. I had to do that once on another rat and it dislodged a piece of chicken grizzle, she had been chewing on a chicken bone. She too was gasping. Really scary!!

So Jo, for the Heimlich maneuver you do this on the rats back, is that correct?

ETA: No need to answer. Just read the link Shelagh gave and it says to do it on the sternum.

lilspaz68 said:
Dewi said:
I'm so glad Jorge is doing well now. Is he still settled?
So how to you do the fling and Heimlich maneuver on rats?

ONLY when the rat has stopped breathing or is unconscious, otherwise this could lodge the stuck item more firmly or somewhere else more dangerous and kill them. Its never to be done lightly. Joanne did it at the exact right time.

Fingers crossed it was only a Jorge anomaly...and never rears its ugly head again! :shock:

Thanks Shelagh. It's the type of info I need to know before anything bad happens.