Careful giving meds - Reminder

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Senior Member
Dec 30, 2012
Chicago, IL
Just posting this because I am so freakin' angry at myself right now!!! While giving one of my rats meds this morning, he was fighting as usual, I had the thought that I hope that didn't go in the wrong way. I had that damn feeling that I pushed the syringe too quickly and instead of going side to side (cheek to cheek) this one went straight down his throat. My little voice went off .... I am always so freakin' carefully and I make sure everyone knows NOT to push it directly down their throats. Here we are about nine hour later and my boy appears to have aspiration pneumonia! He's coughing, sneezing, and has the worst breathing I've ever heard!!! We've done what we can and added baytril and lasix to his doxy. I will check on him in a couple hours and if he's still with us add theophylline and more lasix. It really sucks when their demise seems to be from a mistake you made.... Its possible the infection we have been treating him for spread, who knows... He has severe bumble foot on one leg and bilateral infections in both back hocks along with osteo arthritis.
I'm just so angry with myself !!!!
I did check on him two hours later and by the grace of whatever you believe in, he was back to normal. He was not showing any of the symptoms he had. In fact, he was on the bottom of a rat pile with one of his brother's sleeping on his head. He must of been having a choking episode - this is only the second one I've witnessed. My conscious was saved and I be even more careful now with the meds...
Awww its scary I know! Sometimes even if they aspirate something within a day they are normal again. its when they still are having issues that you have to worry. ((hugs))
Awww its scary I know! Sometimes even if they aspirate something within a day they are normal again. its when they still are having issues that you have to worry. ((hugs))
Thanks, he has been perfectly fine (other than his feet/leg issues) since his episode...

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