Cage Cleaning Routine

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Kay O.

New Member
Aug 15, 2019
London, KY
Hey all!! I have read through other's routines and taken a lot of notes but I still have some questions, I want to make sure I'm keeping everything clean enough.

I have a Prevue Rat Critter Cage - 1 adult rat, 4 babies @ 7 weeks old - all female

I currently use Vitakraft Fresh World bedding, dumped and changed every 3 days, spot cleaned daily as best as I can. They're using 2 corners of the cage to go in right now. I am going to start litter box training this week, which I think will make the spot cleaning MUCH easier.

I do daily wipe downs of surface levels and water bottle tip.

Every 3 days, entire cage is cleaned and disinfected. I use Seventh Generation Disinfectant Spray. Water is dumped and replenished. Food bowl cleaned and refilled. Toys and igloo also wiped down.

My current concerns:

1. the bedding (although says 99.5% dust free, all I can see is dust when I pour it out, is that even true?!)
2. grated ramps - should I be covering these? did not even consider it being dangerous to their little feet. if they need to be covered, where can I find the covers?
3. Is 3 day cleaning sufficient?

Thanks so much for your help!!!

I think that every 3 days to disinfect the whole cage is a bit much. They say that it's best once a week and just change the hammocks and things they do every 3 days or so. I change my beeding usually every two days depends what they are using most. I do a deep clean every week disinfect etc. Since supposedely if you over clean they tend to mark their territory more to compensate. I hope this helps, I have 25 rats with three cages
I think that every 3 days to disinfect the whole cage is a bit much. They say that it's best once a week and just change the hammocks and things they do every 3 days or so. I change my beeding usually every two days depends what they are using most. I do a deep clean every week disinfect etc. Since supposedely if you over clean they tend to mark their territory more to compensate. I hope this helps, I have 25 rats with three cages

You are my hero, lol. That's so many kids!! I have decreased my full cleaning times to every week, and the daily clean ups have really helped keep things clean too. The wipe downs just weren't enough daily work!

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