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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Midland, ON

As you know I picked up my new rat Jack and the two Platinum Dumbos Bambi and Dumbo. They are all real sweeties. The platinums are fairly easy to pick up but don't like to be held as much.

But their may be a problem.

We noticed that the cage STANK badly. So we took them outta there and cleaned it up and put them back. We also noticed that all three of them were sneezing constantly. The two platinums were weezing (maybe Jack too she whistled a bit when she was sniffing my hair). I will continue to monitor them but I am really concerned that it could be myco. I am not knowledgable at all in this. Also when people complimented me on my rats health I felt good but was rather curious. Now I know why. She had warned me that her daughters had put cat food in the rat cage and due to the high protein they had patchy skin... we it's not that it's patchy hair. I can see bald spots... So here are my questions.

1. I know that myco has to be treated, and I know you can't cure it so what should I do.

2. I was reading up on myco and it says it can be transported short distances by air, how long is short distances? 3feet, 6 feet, etc.

3. If Jack is sick I can't put her in the cage with my girls. Of course I will do a 2 week quarantine but if she has to stay by herself that would be crappy for her too.

I am just up in arms right now. I'm thinking to myself what did I do.... I feel like crying because I don't want Ruby and Hazel to get sick too. I am so worried.

Amy help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Lea-Andra
This is just awful... thank god those rats are no longer with that person. I sure hope she never takes rats again.

Ok, first of all, all three rats are going to need a lot of meds especially if wheezing. Keep them in a different room than your girls. It's not ideal but better than nothing.
It sounds to me that it's not a protein problem but more of a mite problem. They will need to be treated asap, before Jack goes near your rats.
I've heard of some people say that once a rat is on meds, they are no longer contagious. I guess it depends just how bad they are.

I can totally understand your frustration and shock. No one expects to adopt rats in such a bad state. Welcome to your first real rescue. :(
Oh no, I'm so sorry your new babies came to you so sick!
I hope they recover well so they can start enjoying their new life with you. :hugs:
As I don't have experience with this. And now I have found these three are very close cagemates. Mamarat has offered to take all three instead of just the two. I have accepted. Thank you mamarat. It is so greatly appreciated.

I will be taking them to her on Saturday.
Good on you for getting them this far. For what it's worth, I know you could have handled it and cured them. :)
Thanks Bron. I am glad they will be in a place where they can't be taken care of properly with the correct medication.

They are all very sweet ratties.
Scary start, but with a happy ending. Mamarat to the rescue again!

I think that can be some of the worst and saddest situations. When you are taking in rehomes expecting healthy, happy, pre-loved ratties and come home with something entirely different. Not the rat's fault of course but shocking none the less to the new rescuer. In other situations you are prepared for neglect, sickness and nervous/skittish rats.

Sorry LA, you were really looking forward to this! It'll be better for Jack in the long run to stay with her cagemates. :(

Yay Mamarat. I am sure that they will be good as new in no time. I have heard similiar stories with this human family and all goes well. I am sorry for LA because I know you wanted Jack badly but she will be in good hands in Sudbury. You will have to send pictures to LA, Jo.

It's a good decision to keep all three together, especially if all three are sick. Separating them at this time would cause a great deal of stress and could make their recovery that much longer.
We'll get them up and running in no time.
jorats said:
It's a good decision to keep all three together, especially if all three are sick. Separating them at this time would cause a great deal of stress and could make their recovery that much longer.
We'll get them up and running in no time.
I agree. I'm glad to hear that they will be helped out. Everyone is so wonderful helping the ratties in need.

So LA... want a baby girl? :wink2:
Thanks guys. I honestly fell in love with Jack before I even got her. And she is everything Michelle told me she was, sweet and adorable. I have already fallen in love with Bambi and Dumbo (which I am not certain how to tell apart but I think the bigger one is dumbo and the smaller one is bambi). They are not as bad as everyone thought they were. I realized that they don't nip, they are seeing if you finger is food once they determine they can't take it away and eat it they let go. They need work, handling and love. I feel bad for them because they are ill, sneezing is not fun.

I have learned a lesson here, be prepared (sounds like boy scouts).

I am so happy they are going to someone experienced. Thanks for all your support. Yes Jo you have to send me pictures.

Melissa, yes I do want a baby. I just can't travel to Toronto to get one. For right now we have friends of friends who have babies. We are going to look at them on Monday and pick one out.
LA said:
Melissa, yes I do want a baby. I just can't travel to Toronto to get one. For right now we have friends of friends who have babies. We are going to look at them on Monday and pick one out.
That's ok, more for me. :cheeky: :wink2:
I'm sorry to hear you won't be keeping Jack as you had looked forward to.
All 3 will get the best of care in good hands.

Obviously it wasn't just lack of handling they were suffering, it was total neglect :x
If they couldn't even bother to give them to you in a clean cage then imagine what the girls have been living in all this time, no wonder their breathing is so bad :x
Thank goodness you go them outa there.

Oh Mamarat! More congratulations, you angel you!!! and more intros :lol:
Mamarat. I have no knowledge in this BUT from what I read I am fairly sure they have Myco. The one with the scratch near it's eye. Well I determined today it's not a scratch. It seems that her one eye is leaking (I know there is a term for it I just can't remember).

So with that, sneezing and wheezing, doesn't sound good. :cry:
Porphryin LA? Thats normal if they aren't feeling well. Myco is in all our rats so that's not a big surprise either. Sounds like run of the mill URI's to me. BUT where the issues can come is if the damage to the lungs is too severe you can only bring them back to a certain level of health. And if they are 15 months and always lived in filthy conditions those poor lungs may be damaged. OR a better scenario is, that they finally get the treatment they needed and respond beautifully to the antibiotics. :mrgreen:
LA said:
Mamarat. I have no knowledge in this BUT from what I read I am fairly sure they have Myco. The one with the scratch near it's eye. Well I determined today it's not a scratch. It seems that her one eye is leaking (I know there is a term for it I just can't remember).

So with that, sneezing and wheezing, doesn't sound good. :cry:

That's okay, LA. We will look after them here, you did the best you could do, you got them out of there.
I'm sorry LA, I know how much you were looking forward to getting Jack. I thought they might be quite bonded, so it probably is best if they all go together.

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