big enough for the big girls?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
EDIT: Sorry! I meant to put this in behavior!

Luna had babies and I have kept three, as a lot of you may know.

And from this thread, some of you may know that they are tiny for their age.
But they've hit a growth spurt!

I'll post the pictures here too.

Ginny 60 grams


Lily, shes the smallest. 56 grams


And Bellatrix! 66 grams



I've been doing a few small intros, just holding the babies and letting the big girls smell them.
But they've never really been together besides in my arms.

The oldest is about a year old.
The two sisters are 5 months old
and Mom, I have no worries with her.
Unless Mom's going to get over protective with everyone else around?

The babies I'm talking about are almost 8 weeks old, but are really small for their age.

Is it a good time to start doing intro's with the big girls?
Or should I wait until they're a bit bigger?
Just to be safe I'd say wait a few more weeks because they all are still very tiny and young. When you do begin the intro with them I hope it all goes well. Good luck!
Size isn't so much a concern, as age. They start to smell like rats at about 10 weeks old.

If your older girls are particularly sweet, you could try. But 10 weeks should be safer.
I usually do mine at about 2 months old but 10 weeks sounds good too.
They are tiny but how are they otherwise? Very fast and active?
All my girls are very nice.
Especially Scabbers.

I'm not sure about Lucy though.
Lucy is the newest to the bunch, shes the most skiddish and wasn't around rats for almost a year up until 2 months ago.
But she's never had any tiffs with the Luna, Scabbers or Mrs. Norris.

Oh yes, they're acting like babies would act. Super active and very fast, haha.

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