BEN- What Is this! HELP

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Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2010
Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada

Ben was lying on his side and I seen this. What is it? Is it healing from his neuter? Because she made 2 little incisions a lot higher than that. Is it an abcess? I can't get him to see without him biting me! Ugh! Help :wallbang:
You'll have to find a way to get him out and bring him to your vet for a recheck. He probably needs meds, could be why he's biting...little guy is quite sore.
I would suggest antibiotics.
Soaking or warm compresses should make that scab soft so it wil come off and you can clean all the pus out.
Then keep it open so it can heal from the inside out.
Poor little guy! No wonder he has been so touchy.
Ok so I took him to the vet. My vet said its just a scab now, she doesn't see any infection, its healing. So she gave him metacam and baytril. How close can you give the 2 meds? I havent had metacam in forever and I forget.
MaryCayden said:

Ben was lying on his side and I seen this. What is it? Is it healing from his neuter? Because she made 2 little incisions a lot higher than that. Is it an abcess? I can't get him to see without him biting me! Ugh! Help :wallbang:

OUCH! That looks painful! Poor, little, Ben! That area is full of little nerve endings. YOWZA! Give him head kisses for me!!!
If he would only be a nice boy and let me pick him up once in a while I could of noticed it, I was looking at his incision and neuter when he was laying down, but you can only see this if he's laying on his side or if you flip him over. But atleast he's ok.

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