Baytril still effective?

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Active Member
Jan 11, 2019
Hi again!

So my boy has been showing signs of breathing problems, and since I have left over baytril mixture from when my other boy had issues, I was wondering if it would still be effective. Problem is, it has been over a month since it was mixed. I had been informed to refrigerate it when I first received it so it has been in the fridge ever since.

The vet was called in order for confirmation that it was still okay for use without seeing him first as I don’t have easy access to a ride at the moment, and (it took like a week for them to respond back) the vet said that it can be given to him but if his breathing gets worse than he will have to be taken in and assessed.

Keep in mind, I am against using the baytril that I already have as I understand that it is quite old and less potent. I have done research about others with the similar question and have read that it is less potent and less effective and so on and such.

I will be trying to take him in the get assessed and to get some new medication before the problems escalate as soon as I can. He is a scardy rat so I am quite nervous. I did give him one dose of the medication that I already have. Before anyone lashes out at me, I know that this isn’t the best thing to do as the rat can build up an immunity to the medication BUT I did it to both 1. Get him used to the feeling/experience and taste of the baytril and 2. To tide him over for the time being until I can get him proper medication. I do have humidifiers in the room he is in which I have read can help with breathing issues but I don’t know if that is true or not.

I am posting this here for both me to look back on and also if anyone has any feedback or such that they can give me about the situation.

All replies are appreciated. Thank you.
Let's hope I don't get backlash for this LOL

I took one of my rats to the vet for a URI and she got prescribed Baytril and Doxy. After she was better, another one of my rats got a URI.
I used the leftover medicine from my first rat and just called in for a refill after I ran out. The medicine didn't seem less effective, and it had an expiration date of about 3 months after it is mixed. They both made a full recovery :)

No need to spend $80 on a vet appointment for a rat that has the same thing your last one did.
My 2nd rat that got a URI was also sort of a scaredy cat, and I knew that taking her to the vet would put her through unnecessary stress which would make her conditions worse, so I didn't.

With all of this being said, never share doses unless they are the same weight. If there is a weight difference, you will need to calculate a proper dosage, which many people on this forum would love to help you with. You can buy a gram scale for about $20 at walmart

Since you already gave one dose, I would keep giving doses until you get a refill but I do believe your medicine is still good until expired. Good luck and I hope your ratty feels better!

ps. Give your rat probiotic yogurt in between doses, they love the taste and it helps them feel better!
The mixture that I was given was said to expired 30 days after being mixed. It has been close to two months (on the 20th) since it was mixed. I just worry that he will build up an immunity to it and it won’t work in the long run.

The vet did weight my boy who previously has breathing issues when I took him into the vet for other reasons on December 20th, 2019 and I weighed my second boy myself on January 30th, 2020 but I am not too sure how to convert pounds to grams and vise versa correctly as my first boys weight was measured in grams and my second boys weight was measured in pounds and ounces.

Each time I have gotten a refill of baytril for my first boy, I have always been told to give him the exact same dosage everytime at 0.18mL orally two times a day. They never reweighed him each time to get proper dosages or anything (the vet clinic here sucks) Would I be able to give my second boy the same dosage or should it be recalculated? I really don’t care about how much it will cost to go to the vet or to get the medication. My animals mean more to me than anything in this world, and I would much rather spend all of my money on them rather than me.
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You can convert ounces to grams on google. Just go to your search bar and put in "1lb to g" or whatever your measurements were.
If you don't mind the cost then I would make an appointment, get him weighed, and get a new bottle.
Also, I think it's weird that they only gave you baytril. Normally they prescribe two medicines like Bayril/Enrofloxacin and Doxy/doxycycline, or baytril and minocycline, etc.

I think your vet is correct for keeping the dose the same even if the weight changes. I am not an expert nor do I substitute for a vet so I am speaking from personal experience but I've never had my rats weight change their dose like that.

If you don't want to go through the stress then I would just call in for a refill.
I would use google to convert your pounds to grams, then make a new thread on here like I did ( and ask someone for help dosing. Include all the information on your medicine bottle so they can understand how it is compounded and what the correct dose would be. Lilspaz68 is a trusted admin that could help you as well.

Once again I am speaking from personal experience from a just-lost-my-job-and-on-a-budget perspective so I don't qualify as an actual vet :)
The safest route here is to make a vet appointment asap and get the professionals to dose a new bottle for you. :)
Thank you for your feedback :)

I believe that at one point I did try getting azithromycin (is that how it’s spelt?) for my other boy but the vet at the time just wouldn’t give it to me for whatever reason. The vet clinic here really isn’t the greatest (for so many reasons) so I honestly don’t trust the workers opinions very much but it is all I have access to at the moment so I guess I have no choice.

You did make a really good point when you said to just call as that seems less stressful for both him and me. I might try doing that but I will most likely just bring him in if it comes to it even though it breaks my heart to see him scared.

I will make a new thread to ask with help dosing and hopefully the dosages from the forum and from the vet add up.

I am honestly so confused right now for some unknown reason so hopefully this makes sense.

When my first girl was sick, I brought her and her sister with us to the vet and I think it made her feel better :)
I asked for azithromycin one time too and they refused and gave me minocycline.... worked fine though.

Makes sense to me! Good luck and I hope he feels better soon
Glad you are taking him to the vet.

Get him weighted (btw buying a digital scale is a good investment), and baytril. Have the vet put the expiatory date on all meds you get.
Azithromycin is effective when given in combo with baytril.
My vet writes a prescription for several bottles and I have them filled at the drugstore. Since azithromycin is only good for 10 days after being mixed up, I have 1/2 or 1/3 a bottle mixed up at a time.

I hope he is doing ok
I am going to take him to the vet as soon as I possibly can. I know it is wrong but for now, I am giving him the left over baytril because it will hopefully help at least a little bit until I can get him new medication.

I do have a digital scale which I have used to weight my boys. I don’t have access to azithromycin as when I tried before, the vet wouldn’t give it to me. I went into more detail about the azithromycin situation in another thread of mine.

He seems to be doing good from what I have observed so far. Don’t worry, I will still get him new medication :)
some people also have good luck with the baytril + doxy combo

and lilspaz68 is a good person to ask about safe places to order meds from when vets are not an option

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