Baby pack rat

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New Member
May 10, 2020
Morongo basin,California
Hello, I took in a baby pack rat after his family was killed while moving a travel trailer and he was the only survivor. I couldnt leave him, and I couldnt kill him. Today is day 8 and his eyesbare just starting to open. He was in full fur when i found him and durring the first 6 days i kept him in a padded headphones case then moved him to a critter keeper. Ive been feeding him kitten milk replacement with a babies medication syringe and he eats pretty well. Ive been offering him milk every 3 hours aroind the clock but he isnt always hungry yet he is still always a little dehydrated. I tried pedialyte but he hates it and freaks out. Id planned on releasing him but after reading some posts im not sure he'll survive. Ive been calling him Duncan.
I'd try organic soy infant formula. Also, using a small paintbrush to feed him is safer. If he inhales the liquid, it could be a death sentence for him. Just dip it in the formula, and let him suck it off. You may also need to stimulate him to potty with a warm, wet cotton ball. If he was a wild rat, he may never fully be tame. But you can't release him, since he won't have any instincts that would be taught by his mom. Also, the colonies won't accept an outsider, and would probably kill him. Your best bet is to get him a same sex buddy from a rescue, or something (a domestic rat), and don't expect him to behave like a pet would. Good luck!
Sadly Duncans health declined rapidly yesterday and he passed quietly,cuddled in my hand yesterday evening. Id done everything id read, washed his bum after each feeding, made sure he pottied each time, rubbed him gently to stimulate him, kept him warm. I didnt get the chance to try the soy milk though id gotten him to nurse from a cloth soaked in formula, as he wouldnt take the paint brush. Thanks for the helpful replies.

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