Babies have 'spikey' fur?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2008
Ontario & Northern California
The two babies I rescued seem to be doing well. Eating, drinking, running, wrestling, playing, jumping up on the bars, climbing, wanting out constantly. No sign of porphyrin. The only thing that worries me is their fur, while being very shiny and soft feeling, always looks spikey. Not piloerected, just...tousled. Bed head? Unkempt?


Somebody suggested that because they are orphans, they don't have their moms to constantly lick and groom them. Could this be the case? Or do babies just look pouffy in general? It seems as though Pi's (the hoodie) fur is pretty long for the size of her body and maybe that's why she looks like a puff.

I just want to make sure that they are actually healthy!
I recall a photo of Corrie's babies where their fur looks fluffier than adult ratty fur, and their mama groomed them often.

I am no expert in baby ratty health, but in the photos I saw earlier your girlies' fur looked great. Their eyes were clear and their noses didn't have porphyrin. so if they are lively and breathing normally and not scratching a lot, I don't think you have anything to worry about.

they are very sweet!
I think because they were separated from their mother at such a young age, they are missing out on all the grooming she does. The mother usually keeps the babies clean and their grooms them. They look like they are doing great, their fur is just a bit messy because they probably don't know how to clean themselves properly yet. :)
Thanks everybody. I've never had to raise babies before so every little abnormality is a cause for concern for me LOL. I'm so used to see the adults with sleek fur that when I saw the babies with their puffy fur I immediately thought something could be wrong!