Azithromyacin dosage help

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Active Member
Nov 5, 2020
Philadelphia PA
Hi all (I realize I may have posted this again in the wrong area and can't delete... apologies!) ,

Does anyone have any experience with azythromyacin dosing for growing baby rats? Our vet is out for a few days, and unable to answer our questions.

Our 6 wk old baby was prescribed 0.15ml 2x a day of azythromyacin for URI: the 200mg/5ml syrup. She weighed 123g when prescribed. Needless to say she is growing rapidly, so I'm wondering at what weight her dosage would go up and by how much (if)... Our vet didn't mention that it would need to, but at the rate she's growing I feel like it could.

I've found via The Rat Guide and Vet Key sites that the dosage for babies is typically 4-8mg of Zithro per lb... but my math is terrible and I can't figure out how to convert. Most sites mention formulas if you're making your own DIY with tablets, not using this specific higher concentration syrup.

I'm hoping maybe one of you has already used it/ done this sort of thing for a baby.

Many thanks if anyone can help!
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Using an online dosing calculator to do the math backwards, the dose you've been giving her is 22mg/lb (if the numbers are all correct).
Thanks for this! Sorry I missed the reply. Our vet contacted us while out of office, and if anyone ever follows this thread or needs the info, he kept the dosage the same despite. And our girl recovered nicely.

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