Ava :( ?? - June 27/11

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Midland, ON
Oh my poor sweet girl.

I got Ava late November early December of last year. A woman was offering her for $150. I told her that I couldn't pay her but that if she was willing I would love to take her girl in. At the time I had space. She didn't respond so I left it alone. A month or so later she emailed me out of the blue asking if I was still interested. I had given her info about me when I emailed, she wanted "Snickers" to go to a good home. So we agreed. I picked her up, she was on pine, fed seed with lab blocks as a treat. Her breathing wasn't so good, that was the real reason for her name, because it sounded like she was snickering. I came home and put her on YN and her breathing got a lot better. My husband told me no more rats, so this little one was to go to Shelagh. With winter I wasn't able to get to her for a bit and then I fell in love. So she just stayed. I named her Ava. She was a beautiful black hoodie with one eye. The vet told me she was born without it. She was very nervous, didn't want to be out of the cage, but if she was she'd cuddle with me. It took me awhile to get her into the cage with my others, she was a very nervous girl, and they were rambunctious rats, sniffing, pestering everything and that made Ava very nervous. I hoped for Christmas they would be together but New Years was the day. She finally had a family. She started fighting back and playing. It was a wonderful sight. It was a sight to see a tiny 240g rat put down a young big girl. LOL

I thought in the beginning she smelled because of her previous home. But then it didn't go away, so I knew it was something more. I took her in and it was an ear infection. And that is what we fought up until the end. It progressed to both ears, I was giving her oral Chlorpalm, baytril drops, trying something else. We fought it for about 4 months, but we couldn't beat it. In the last month she was losing weight badly, and not as happy, she hated the meds and wasn't getting better at all. I made the decision to take her off the meds and let her be until she was ready. That took about two weeks. She went easily and peacefully with help at the vets. She had a good home and friends, I'm sad she couldn't stay longer but she was about 16 months when I got her, 2 years was too long. Maybe if her owner was more informed then maybe she would have a better chance. Poor girl.

I love you my Ava.


Beautiful bright little spirit. She is free again, no more ear issues, medications, just peace and love until she sees you again. :heart:
She loved Charlie didn't she?

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