Arden ?/?/06 - 1/31/08

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Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2007
Oakdale, MN
My big blue agouti is gone. :(

I got Arden and his sons, Nodin and Jack, from a "reputable" breeder around here who was being forced to move and give up her animals. Although the boys are super sweet and squishy, they always had health problems. I don't think I've ever gotten them completly healthy.

Arden's back legs started giving out about a month ago. That didn't deem to bother him, though, as he would still try and climb up the cage bars when he heard me, no matter how much that scared me. He also was growing some tumors but they were small.

He was fine this morning when I gave him a treat, but suddenly, today, he jumped out of his hammock and began gasping with his mouth open. I had an appointment for Jack to go in so I decided I'd take him in then. I syeamed him and tried to settle him down. I set him in a separate cage for about 20 minutes while I got ready and when I went to get him out to take him in, he was gone. :(

I hope he didn't suffer. I'm so sad that it had to end like this. He hadn't shown any signs of destress before, so it took me by surprise. Bye my big boy. :(

I'm so sorry. No wonder that was hard for you, having so little warning, and seeing him gasp.

It must have been very fast. Poor sweetie, I hope that he has joined the party at the Rainbow Bridge.

Take care of yourself.
Oh Kristina! I'm so sorry about Arden, his time with you was too short but I know that he had a good life with you and his handsome boys. I'm sorry that you had to see him gasp, that's never easy, but know that he is happy and healthy again and watching over you, his sons and his rattie friends. **Hugs to you, Kristina**