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Senior Member
Dec 30, 2012
Chicago, IL
Some how we got an ant infestation this year and when we clear one room they move to another and of course they made it to the rat room so yesterday was a complete clean out day of that room!! I hope they don't mind peppermint oil since I read that can be used since I didn't want to use chemicals in there. We got the peppermint oil and put in in a spray bottle with water.

Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!
I'd be interested to know if that works. I got them in the rat room once a couple of years ago and hope to never see them again, but if they do return it would be nice to have a good weapon for them that won't harm the rattums. We get them in the kitchen but so far that's it.
I'd be interested to know if that works. I got them in the rat room once a couple of years ago and hope to never see them again, but if they do return it would be nice to have a good weapon for them that won't harm the rattums. We get them in the kitchen but so far that's it.

Well, now they are in the bathroom!!! :rant: they seem to go room to room! I just sprayed them and will power clean it in a bit, but I have no idea what their interest is in there. So, let's track their movement... Living room, kitchen, hallway, rat room, and now bathroom - well that covers the main level .... will they go upstairs now or into the basement - maybe they will find a door and exit! What annoying creatures....
I would put peppermint oil everywhere! lol
Or some other essential oils in each room when you get sick of your house smelling like a candy cane.
I've had ant problems in my place for the last three years or so. The ants are extremely tiny and able to squeeze through the tiniest crack. They show up inside once the weather outside warms up and I think they've been getting in around the kitchen window. The first sign I get that the ants are back is a long column or two of ants marching across my kitchen counter.

I did some research online the first year I had the ant problem and I discovered that ant sprays and traditional insecticides aren't always effective or even recommended for certain kinds of ants. Luckily, I found a product called "Raid Ant Bait Double Control" that took care of the ants really quickly and it's cheap and easy to use as well.

Each package contains 4 ant baits. The baits are small plastic "feeding" stations, containing two different types of food to attract a wide variety of ants, that you place wherever you have an ant problem. The ants enter the bait and then carry little bits of this poisoned food back to the nest which wipes out the whole colony relatively quickly.

Each year, when the ants appear on my kitchen counter, I put one bait close to each column of ants. I don't use anything else. Once the ants discover the bait, they don't seem to be interested in anything else and within a day or two, the ants are completely gone - at least until the following year.

I had the kitchen window replaced in March of this year and the entire opening was spray foamed, so I don't know if the ants will be back this year.
I've had ant problems in my place for the last three years or so. The ants are extremely tiny and able to squeeze through the tiniest crack. They show up inside once the weather outside warms up and I think they've been getting in around the kitchen window. The first sign I get that the ants are back is a long column or two of ants marching across my kitchen counter.

I did some research online the first year I had the ant problem and I discovered that ant sprays and traditional insecticides aren't always effective or even recommended for certain kinds of ants. Luckily, I found a product called "Raid Ant Bait Double Control" that took care of the ants really quickly and it's cheap and easy to use as well.

Each package contains 4 ant baits. The baits are small plastic "feeding" stations, containing two different types of food to attract a wide variety of ants, that you place wherever you have an ant problem. The ants enter the bait and then carry little bits of this poisoned food back to the nest which wipes out the whole colony relatively quickly.

Each year, when the ants appear on my kitchen counter, I put one bait close to each column of ants. I don't use anything else. Once the ants discover the bait, they don't seem to be interested in anything else and within a day or two, the ants are completely gone - at least until the following year.

I had the kitchen window replaced in March of this year and the entire opening was spray foamed, so I don't know if the ants will be back this year.

I have some out, but I don't know if it is this one so I will go buy some more since obviously I need to put them every where now.
Good luck-- poor ants. :(

I have no sympathy for this annoying pests!! sorry! If it makes you feel better I could not find the traps recommended so I bought another brand but they were liquid that the hubby picked one up to steam clean the kitchen floor and didn't tell me and I grabbed it off the counter not knowing it was open and spilled in on my hand - it has boric acid in it so it burned a bit!:thumbdwn:
Aida said:
Good luck-- poor ants. :(

I have to admit - I do feel bad for the ants - but we cannot co-exist in the same dwelling and they won't leave voluntarily, so I don't have much choice.

dspch911 said:
I could not find the traps recommended so I bought another brand but they were liquid that the hubby picked one up to steam clean the kitchen floor and didn't tell me and I grabbed it off the counter not knowing it was open and spilled in on my hand - it has boric acid in it so it burned a bit!

I haven't used any product other than the one I mentioned (which should be available at places like Lowes and Walmart) so I obviously can't vouch for the effectiveness of the item you purchased. The one I referred to is not a liquid and should be safe around pets and children (provided they don't try to eat it!)!! :)