Am I A Bad Mommy?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
Bundaberg Australia

What is night-life like for a rat? I've always believed that they were most active at night time when it's dark.
My girls have about 3-4 hours of free-ranging every night (plus an hour in the morning) until I go to bed around 9pm-9.30pm. And it's not until I lay in bed and think "oh gosh, Rosie must be climbing at the walls to get out and snoop around" and "I really should have put some fabulous rat toy in there to keep them amused all night long" or "why didn't I roll up some treats and hang them from the ceiling like a pinata so they could party all night?".
Does anyone else feel incredibly guilty when putting their Squeekies to bed at night knowing that now is just when they want to get up to mischief? Has anyone every snuck out to see if they sleep at night or are they pacing like a trapped tiger in a cage?
OH I feel so BAD just thinking about it!!!
My rats are most active in the evening...but they have adapted to my schedule for the most part. Up early for yummy treats (meds), some oldies/sickies get Ensure, everyone gets talked to and some get pats. Then a final check before I leave for work. Then they sleep all day for the most part. Awake by the time I get home, 6:30-7:00, quick check on everyone, then I start Running the Beasts, cleaning cages, maintenance. They quieten down around 11 pm now and have a few antics in teh middle of the night but nothing too major or loud. :p I have managed to sort out the fighting males so there's no blood curdling screams of "Mommy!! Get him away from me!"

then they become active again about 5-6 am. :)

Rats aren't actually nocturnal they are crepuscular instead.

From Wiki

Crepuscular is a term used to describe some animals that are primarily active during twilight, that is at dawn and at dusk.[1] The word is derived from the Latin word crepusculum, meaning "twilight."[1] Crepuscular is thus in contrast with diurnal and nocturnal behavior. Crepuscular animals may also be active on a bright moonlit night. Many animals that are casually described as nocturnal are in fact crepuscular.[2] Within the definition of crepuscular are the terms matutinal (or "matinal") and vespertine, denoting species active only in the dawn (matutinal) or only in the dusk (vespertine), respectively.

The patterns of activity are thought to be an antipredator adaptation. Many predators forage most intensely at night, while others are active at mid-day and see best in full sun. Thus the crepuscular habit may reduce predation. Additionally, in hot areas, it may be a way of avoiding thermal stress while capitalizing on available light.
Short-eared Owl

A number of familiar mammal species are crepuscular, including cats, dogs[3], rabbits, ferrets, guinea pigs, and rats. Other crepuscular mammals include red pandas, deer, moose, chinchillas, the common mouse, skunks, wombats, quolls, Spotted Hyenas, bobcats and capybaras.

"why didn't I roll up some treats and hang them from the ceiling like a pinata so they could party all night?"

:laugh4: fun image ^^^

Boyfriend and I rarely leave the house and it seems like our ratties have no schedule. It feels like they're always awake.
I just asked Badger yesterday if she ever slept.
She looked at me with her giant eyes and didn't answer.
I hate that my rats are on such a schedule...they don't want to come out until 6:30 and sometimes I need or want to take them out early.

But yes, I do feel Bad putting them back..often they go back in the cage on their own, but when they see me closing the door they start begging to come out lol.
The more out time they get, the more they want. But they love the familiarity of their cages, so I try not to feel too guilty putting them back in. You can always remind yourself (and them!) that their mama is stuck inside her cage most of the time toiling for $ to buy them food!

I do always have things like empty kleenex boxes, toilet rolls with some Cheerios inside, wood chew toys and, of course, a wheel. Mine are active at dawn & dusk, also at night, asleep during the day. They seem to adapt to schedules, though, and they are instantly alert if anyone comes into the room at any time. I think they catnap a lot.
Hehe! I do feel bad, sometimes they're sleeping all evening and by the time i decide to go to bed they get up quickly with their silly paws grasping at the cage and their little noses pushing in between the bars. Of course i feel guilty and let them out for a bit even if i'm dead tired... lol
LOL, I usually don't go to bed until 2am - by that time, my kiddos are so tuckered out from their out-of-the-cage playtime that they've fallen asleep on me. So no, I don't feel that guilty about putting them back in the cage at night.

HOWEVER, the guilt comes crashing down when I have to leave for work in the mornings. The kiddos have trained me to give them treats after I get the coffee brewing, and of course they're then ready for another session of out-of-the-cage playtime. Er, let's just say that I hardly ever arrive at work on time because I try to squeeze in one last snuggle before leaving the apartment.
I make sure to put in a lil treat and a toy or toilet paper tube or something to keep them occupied when I go to bed, and til they go to bed again... Usually they are up til about 2am I think, then go to bed again til I wake up at 630 a.m.
rhapsody said:
Er, let's just say that I hardly ever arrive at work on time because I try to squeeze in one last snuggle before leaving the apartment.

Oh that's so cute. I am the same, squeezing out the door with one last glance at the girls to say goodbye.
lilspaz68 said:
Rats aren't actually nocturnal they are crepuscular instead.

From Wiki

Crepuscular is a term used to describe some animals that are primarily active during twilight, that is at dawn and at dusk.[1]

Thank you so much for this info. I feel so much better now. Actually I did sneak out last night at 12.30am to check on them (my partner had fallen asleep in his chair in front of the TV and Kinta my Ridgeback came and woke me to alert me that his daddy was being naughty and hadn't gone to bed yet) and the girls were in bed except for Rosie who is ALWAYS awake. I mean ALWAYS - wherever you go, what ever you do, she is there watching you!!