Adopted a Gerbil Yesterday (help with intros)

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I adopted a gerbil yesterday from the small animal rescue here in newfoundland. He was left o the step of the SPCA in a tiny ham cage with no note, so we don't know his age. The small animal rescue took him in and placed him in a foster home in June.
His name is dusty.

I already have 3 gerbils of my own; Bob, Roo & Joey. I started off with just Bob, after having him for a few months, I decided he needed friends, so I go him Roo & Joey (brothers). No intros really needed to be done as Roo and joey were rather young, and Bob don't care about anything. Bob is around 1.5 - 2 years old and roo and Joey are only a couple of months old. When we brought Dusty home last night, I put him out with my guys, all was going well for about 30 minutes (sniffing, grooming) then Joey started to chase dusty and pulled out some fur cause Dusty to bleed. So I know intors will have to be done ..Roo ad Bob don't mind him at all ..Joey is the problem.
Tonight I put Dusty in their tank and the triplets in his cage for about 30 minutes then they had out time on non familur grounds, again after 10 minutes Joey started chasing Dusty again and they got into a scuff. I then put Dustys bedding in the triplets cage and their bedding in dustys.

What should I do for intros?


Joey & Dusty


Joey & Dusty (Just befor the scuff can tell Dusty is kinda of sketchy)

This is the best split cage and the best method to use IMO.
Gerbils that have lived on their own do very well alone. I currently have 2 that are living on their own and based on the interaction they have with me, they will remain on their own forever. Gerbils that are not handled are a challenge and can take months to tame never mind trying to intro them to others of their own kind.
You have a real nice family of 3 and a nice group of 4, so I would leave the living arrangements the way they are. All seem to be very happy and healthy. :D
Have fun and enjoy the short amount of time you have with them. :thumbup:
Gerbs are GREAT!