Adam Jan. 1, 2008

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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2007
Garson, Ontario
Adam left a big hole in my heart. He died of PT. He was the squishiest rat, always loving to be in my shirt. I could put him on his back and he tolerated my belly kisses, always coming back for more. I miss you, baby. Adam was 27 months.



This is really heartbreaking. :cry: I'm truly saddened he had to leave you and Dad. I just wish the heavens would take a break in taking in more angels. Adam was a such a sweetie. I'll miss him dearly as well. I'm so so sorry, Mom, Dad. :rose2:
I remember the day I picked up Adam and his two brothers from Lilspaz68. They were the most relaxed rats in a car ride ever. Adam was a sweetie till the end.
I'm so sorry mamarat and morats. :cries:
:cry: The first time I held Adam in my hands I knew he would be my heartrat. Beautiful odd eyed blaze. Adam gave me so much joy, always wanted to play, popcorning, jumping on your knee, giving kisses.I miss you so much Adam. Play hard at the bridge my little Buddy. :heart:
Ahhh sweet Adam was first of our 5 :(

I am sorry Mama and Morats. In the short time I was honoured to share his life he really was a lovely little fellow. He reminds me of my Wilbur...once they relax, they just want to be with people and play. :heart:

Popcorn in good company at the bridge wee man. :cry:
I'm so sorry mamarat & morats - Adam was such a cutie, and from everything you've shared about him he seems to have been especially sweet, gentle, loving & fun, and such a good boy.
Heaven just got a little sweeter, and Adam will be your baby forever.
I'm sorry :cry:

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