Acting strange makes me worry

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Hello. My name is kayla. I have a little girl. She is about 6 months old. Normally she is super active. But she has been acting really strange the last few days. She is still eating and drinking and cleaning. But just a little while ago she acted like the first day we got her. Real skittish, nervous, just wanting to stay in my shirt. Acts confused. Its making me nervous. I've had other rats but they've never acted like this. She will act like this for a few hours then go back to normal. My first and second rat died from old age. My 3rd from cancer in her face at 3 years old. I've never lost one this young and I dont want to. I have a vet but wont have the money to take her for about 2 weeks. They won't do payment plans does anyone know what I can do or if anyone's rat has done this? She's my baby. Please help.
It just looked like she just had a seizure or a whole body muscle spasm. I checked on her after she stopped in case I hurt her or she bit me while it was happening. She was fine. I put her back into her cage to calm down and she started cleaning. I'm really scared.
Hopefully lilspaz, SQ, or jorats can comment. I'm not experienced with rat seizures, but at least, it sounds like something wrong with her brain. That's my best guess. For now, try to keep her comfortable and shower her with love.

The reason she may have acted scared or skittish may be the presence of something in her brain, or something spooked her.
Can you describe what you saw when she had the seizure? Did she rear up and start pawing at the air then fall over, or ??

Her belly will go flat to the bittom of the cage and her head will arch up. Doesn't paw at the air or fall over. No foaming at the mouth. It will happen just all of a sudden. Body goes flat front arches up stays still then looks around like what happened then start cleaning or eating. She hasnt had one today. Knock on wood. But its freaking me out. Weve had her since the end of may. And this just started a few days ago.
There's no warning of when it will happen. She's out running around the bed right now. Doing good. Playing. Being a brat.
Shes the only one. And I know the in heat. This was totally different. She spasmed so hard she peed a little. She hasnt had one again. She doing the in heat arching on the bed last night. Still a bit skittish. But getting better.