A rat cage that was converted into a bird cage

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Rattie Kisses

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2009
South Carolina, United States
I used to have my rats in the feisty ferret mansion, and once they upgraded to the CN I decided Holly, my Vosmaeri Eclectus parrot, should have an upgrade, too. So I took the old rat cage's shelves and middle platform out, got a lot of perches and toys, and...


You can't see it, but behind the peach and yellow treat teaser is a green sandy perch.








And Holly thanking me for her new cage! :)

Plus, the stand we built her:


Thats really wicked! I have always wanted a bird, almost brought home a zebra finch last week (free on kijiji) but I think the cats and the bird would be a bad idea.
Wow! That looks really nice! I've converted bird cages into rat cages myself, but have never heard of anyone doing it the other way around. Your parrot is absolutely gorgeous too. I've always wanted one, but am not stable enough yet. Someday....

Loving the cage!! Really great job youve done on it!
Your parrot is GORGEOUS!! puts my little slimeball to shame :p
What does your parrot use the boxes on the cage floor for? im trying to find things that will keep my bird entertained. I also plan on trying to make an out-time stand like yours at some point in time. We have a table-top thing but its really boring and i want something that will free-stand and that he can spend all day on. They cost a fortune to buy though, and i prefer the home made stuff ^^
Thank you everyone. She really likes her cage! :)

Ryelle, the stand we built would go for about $150 on ebay, and the even bigger ones would go for about $300-400, so we built one ourselves for about $20. I like the wheels on it, too, makes it easy to move it. The wood is crank myrtle, because it is hard so she can't destroy it. My girl uses the boxes to tear up, and the basket Im not sure, my mom just felt like putting it in there lol!! There are four "types" of bird toys: One that they can make a bunch of noise with and just throw it all around when they are mad, a wooden one to chew, a rope toy to keep them from over preening, and a teaser toy which is something that keeps them entertained, something you can fill with special treats that they have to work at. Hey, have you tried giving your ringneck a pinata like the rats would get?
he had this pinata thing where it was two large balls on a string, and they had coloured shredded paper inside. he went crazy over them and spent the whole day destroying them. his feet were purple off the paper by the time he finished. i havent been able to find any that size again - they all seem massive and he isn't that big a bird, i will have to look online. there is a nice online store: http://www.24parrot.com/ but i rarely have any cash to buy anything lol (rope perches i need but they are SO expensive :( - im going to have to get making and selling stuff i think)
I wondered if there was a way of making pinata's for parrots/rats? Ive shoved shredded paper into toilet roll tubes before but im artistic and want to go OTT lol. I don't know how to get past using any sort of glue in there though and making 'paper-mache' balls i can stuff with treats and coloured paper
my boy is obsessed with baskets. he will spend the whole time talking, dancing and perching on them.
Very nice cage!! Our family has had Eclectus for years (my aunt has two right now) and I absolutely love them.
I plan on doing the same thing to my double FN when I inherit my grandmother's African Grey, nice to see it can be done.
Eclectuses and greys are wonderful birds. Are you inheriting a Congo or Timneh? Just be careful with the FN because of the pan at the bottom instead of the wire. With the pan they can touch the poop but with wire they can't. It's better if they can't reach the poop.

Hannah, I have seen where you can blow up a big balloon, and take wet strips of wrapping paper/newspaper and stick it to the balloon, wait until it dries, and string it up. Maybe that would work but put a hole at the top to fill with treats after its done drying?
we have a plastic tray on the bottom of our bird cage, i might try and find some oven racks or something to tie together so he cant reach the bottom of the tray. His toys get covered in mess and he constantly picks up soiled food, even though we have to clean the try every day. We used to put safe sand in the bottom of the cage, and we had a small sieve that we used to use to get the rubbish out of the bottom. worked so much better than newspaper.. think i will have to pick some up today o_O

Im going to try making some pinata's today after college enrolement, ill let you know how they go :giggle:
No problem, Dee. :)

Ryelle, I have used corn cob bedding and I love it. You don't have to change it out as much, because you just pick up the spoiled pieces of it. Yeah, cooling racks would work. How did the pinata work out?