A birthday Party!

The Rat Shack Forum

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Loving rats since 2002.
Jul 20, 2007
Northeastern Ontario
I decided it was high time I gave my crew a bday party. They have been doing so well and aging wonderfully since I've put their fat little butts on a calorie restricted diet. They've found more energy and have slimmed down so nice. So I decided they could share a pumpkin spice cupcake. :hurray:

Bastien is 30 months, Tachee and Seraphine are 24 months and Meena and Shanti are 21 months. Sometimes I can't believe my babies are seniors. They sure don't act like it. :love5:

And the pics! I was hoping to be fast enough to to get a pic of the cupcake and the five before the destruction set in. Nope...no chance of that. :cookie1:


Tachee was a bit more lady like.

But not for long... and that's when things got dirty.

Everyone wanted that cupcake...especially that cream.



Meena wanted to save some for later?

Even toothless Seraphine partook in the fun!


Bastien, didn't care how this was going to turn out or how much grooming he'll need to do later.


But everyone had a great time and a full belly.
Shanti says thank you!

Jorats, that was wonderful!! What a great smile to put on our day with a fun and happy party for your sweeties!! They looked like they were having an absolute ball with that yummy cupcake! How cute is it to see a ratty with frosting on his/her nose? A very Happy Birthday to your beautiful babies!!:b-dayrat:

Ya don't get much cuter than that! Bastian is my fave :love5:

A birthday party for the "ol timers".:b-dayrat:

......wishing them health happiness & more cake!​
God that made me laugh out loud.. ATTACK! They are covered in cream lol And the little dollop of cream on the end of that cute little nose :love6:
OMG!! This is too cute :) i laughed out loud with my bf looking at me funny! Tomorrow we're having crepes for breakfast. My rats luv crepes! :) today they had pumpkin!
They certainly had fun! Now the real stresses will soon begin. Tomorrow I'm bringing home 8 sweet baby boys and in a week or two from now, intros will begin.
I don't anticipate any issues with Bastien, Seraphine, Meena and Shanti... Tachee on the other hand. That's going to be interesting. lol She's a bossy little thing.

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