3 males - 1 hogging the whole cage

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Mar 31, 2016
I have 3 boys. They are 6 months, 8 months and 2.

The 2 year old is very dominant and regardless of intro method he takes a month of living together 24/7 to like another rat. He's very sweet with people and other rats after he warms up to them.

The 8 month old is very shy and a biter but gets along with other rats.

The 6 month old is the new issue. When I intro'd them everything went well and they seemed to be living together fine. But upon further inspection, they aren't. As soon as the 8 month old or 2 year old come out of the house on the lowest level the 6 month old attacks them until they go back in. They won't roam the cage anymore, if I take him out then they will.

The cage has plenty of room and two of everything. The fact that the 2 year old is scared of him (who is usually the huge bully) is a big deal.

The 6 month old came from a pet store and they used him for a breeder. He's great with people, not other rats apparently. He acts the same with 2 spayed females I have.
How long has he lived with the two boys? Also, can you get him neutered?

He's lived in the same room for 2 months, slowly introducing. Been in the same cage for 2 weeks. As long as they stay in their house he leaves them alone. But as soon as he sees them come out chases them back in.

There are no vets nearby that neuter, I looked into it for my oldest.
He's lived in the same room for 2 months, slowly introducing. Been in the same cage for 2 weeks. As long as they stay in their house he leaves them alone. But as soon as he sees them come out chases them back in.
2 weeks is not enough time for the other two to become comfortable enough. But I would definitely take the bully out for a couple of hours a day, keep him with you, one on one to all the other two to put their scent in the rest of the cage.
What type of cage is it? How big is it?
2 weeks is not enough time for the other two to become comfortable enough. But I would definitely take the bully out for a couple of hours a day, keep him with you, one on one to all the other two to put their scent in the rest of the cage.
What type of cage is it? How big is it?

It's a critter nation. Right now they only have access to the bottom half, the upper half has two other males (who are 4 years old and can't safely live with the others). I put an extra shelf in the cage so they have the bottom pan and two shelves rather than just 1.

So hopefully the other two will become more comfortable and stand their ground? They won't even come out to eat with him in the cage. I moved the food closer to their house (I have multiple food bowls). If I take him out then they slowly wander the cage. I'll start taking him out more so they can do their thing.
Are all three new to you? What you could also do is when you do see the bully being a bully, pull him out and put him in a time out cage. A very small cage with no toys, no food, no water, nothing. Put him in there each time he's being a bully for about 10 minutes.
Are all three new to you? What you could also do is when you do see the bully being a bully, pull him out and put him in a time out cage. A very small cage with no toys, no food, no water, nothing. Put him in there each time he's being a bully for about 10 minutes.

I've had the 2 year old for 1.5 years (Lumi) and the 8 month old for 4 months (Clyde). They both came from the SPCA. The 6 month old (Sterling) I got 2 months ago, from a pet store.

The 2 year old, Lumi, is usually the huge bully. I had to separate him from my seniors. He's never been scared of other rats, but he's scared of the new one, Sterling.

I have a small travel cage I've put him in a couple times. I'll keep doing that. Problem is, he doesn't do it if they don't come out. Now they hardly come out. But I'll keep my eye on it.
Last night they were still fighting (never any blood). So I took them all out and gave them a bath together. Then emptied the whole cage so all that was in there was the bottom tray (no extra levels), food, water and a litter box. This morning they were all cuddled up together. Is that good?
Last night they were still fighting (never any blood). So I took them all out and gave them a bath together. Then emptied the whole cage so all that was in there was the bottom tray (no extra levels), food, water and a litter box. This morning they were all cuddled up together. Is that good?
Yes, very good! Keep it empty for a couple of days and then slowly add stuff.
They stopped fighting but the 2 year old still doesn't like the others. They live in a double critter nation. He's always on the top section and the other two are always on the bottom. If one of the others comes to the top he runs and hides.

It's odd because he use to attack any rat that he saw, but now he's scared of them.

Is it best to keep him totally separate?
They stopped fighting but the 2 year old still doesn't like the others. They live in a double critter nation. He's always on the top section and the other two are always on the bottom. If one of the others comes to the top he runs and hides.

It's odd because he use to attack any rat that he saw, but now he's scared of them.

Is it best to keep him totally separate?

I would leave them as it is now. If she chooses to not be with his buddies, at least he can still communicate with them and know that he's not alone.

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