Meet Badger, Coyote & Hawk

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Toronto, Canada, Earth
This poor nice young guy was given these rats from a buddy 2 weeks ago. He has a poor genetic immune system, often getting pneumonia, etc just from going outside, and unfortunately found out the hard way, he couldn't keep these rats...when he ended up in the ER. His gf wanted to just dump them outside but he knew they wouldn't survive. He put up an ad on kijiji, but it was an enticing one for the nefarious sorts who want free rats :( I texted him and was going to warn him about herpers, BYB's, and was going to tell him that IF he was unable to rehome them I would take them in, since he was unable to touch them, touch their cage etc. I started talking to him, found out HOW bad it all was, and that a guy from Brampton wanted them but hadn't responded beyond the initial text. I worried about that since there's this new person in Brampton putting up ads and I was sure this was him.

Here are the 2 ads...tell me alarm bells are not ringing in your head as well?

"Wanted: I want your mice, rats, rabbits, ginipigs.ect..

Can't keep your rodents any more for what ever reason I'll take them off your hands I can pick them up or you can drop them off "

"If can't home your rodent's for any reason let me know I am a breeder you can drop off or I can pick them up"

Ewwww. So I went to his place last night with a box and a bag during the big wind storm LOL. It was 3 boys, they all seem a bit skinny, they smelt bad (he hadn't cleaned their cage since he got them), but they were handleable. We opened the top door of their cage and they climbed up to check me out. After a very short time, I found out Coyote (fawn youngster at 1 year or so) was the curious friendly one...he would even leave behind food to check out what I was doing, if I would give more kisses and scratches. Badger (black banded) was pretty close behind him, and is a bigger boy at 2 years of age. The reserved one that the kid said never interacted with him, quickly blossomed, the eyes got big and bright, and he was trying to get all over me. This old man is Hawk, the agouti.

I got them home and started examinations and triage. Poor Hawk has what feels like a tumour on the side of his throat, Badger has a thickening inside a "moob", and Coyote passed the lump exam. They all have abscesses and lumps on their tails, Coyote not as much (probably because as a younger rat he lifts it up higher rather than dragging it like an oldie), but it looks terrible on the older boys. I have put them all on abs just in case there's something systemic going on, and Coyote has a tiny thunk in his lungs. I set them up in an old cage (got home late) and will fix them up properly tonight, but they were so thirsty, almost a full 8 oz bottle is empty today (less than 12 hours). I had stripped down the cage for the poor kid, and dumped the litter and put it out on the balcony so he didn't have to touch it and risk any reaction. I realized they had no water source in or on the cage :(

So meet the boys...they remind me of the Midlands...super appreciative, the agouti Hawk is an old soul, Badger isn't sure, and Coyote is up for anything new and different. :D Not many pics of the C-boy as he was always moving and getting into shots LOL

All the boys





Badger and the nasty tails









The Nasty Tails





Poor Badger's



Cont'd on next post due to image limits...
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The old guys ran out of energy after a long tiring trip home on transit. I was surprised they passed out like this.

Getting sleepy



Out cold


Badger slept really strange all propped up but leaning a bit


They all took their meds this morning from the syringe which is great :) So hopefully we don't need to do anything extreme to Badgers tail yet.
So glad you could take them. Such handsome lads, but those tails look sore :( Badger has a lovely squishable look about him. Sending them all virtual smooshes *smoosh*

Any chance Hawk's neck lump is an abscess?
So glad you could take them. Such handsome lads, but those tails look sore :( Badger has a lovely squishable look about him. Sending them all virtual smooshes *smoosh*

Any chance Hawk's neck lump is an abscess?

Not sure, but it felt more like a mass with its connection to the body tissue, etc. The abs should help any infection surface so I guess we wait and see.
Aww, I was looking at your photobucket that you posted in another thread for new baby photos and I saw these three boys and their poor tails :( I was wondering who they were!

Hawk is so handsome! I've never seen an agouti like that.. he's almost orange? Welcome to the good life sweet rat men!
Awww, I'm so glad you were able to save both the young man and his short-term tenants.
I'm not at all surprised that old man Hawk came around quickly - he knows he will soon be one of your favourites. ;)
And what's a moob? LOL
Such handsome sweet boys, Shelagh, and so happy they get a second chance with you. :)

Hawk has such a unique coat a merle/speckled coat that you see on certain dog breeds. Hawk has a smiley face too. :)

All my best to your new boys and I wish them a fast recovery. They are precious. :heart:
These 3 REALLY remind me of the Midland boys

Coyote = Buddy - young at heart (and body in the case of Coyote, he's already filling out), wants to run and explore just like Buddy did, attention at his request only please :)

Badger = Sirus - a bit more wary, and an injured soul. Not so fond of cuddles and pats, but observing. Hasn't quite made up his mind yet.

Hawk = Nacho :heart: - eyes were unsure, now they are big and wide and happy. He bruxxes when I touch him, I get thorough lickbaths. We connected just like I did with my big ol' sweet Nacho-man.
Wow, your descriptions of each of the boys really seem to fit the vibe I got from each of their pictures. I want to scoop up all three of them and cover them with an extra special kiss for poor Badger whom you described as "an injured soul." My heart bled for him. Beautiful angels you have, Shelagh. I truly wish them all my best, and fast recoveries, both medically and emotionally. :heart:

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