Velo's Intro Thread [Advice pls?]

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I don't mind the blistering cold and whatnot so much, what kills me are the travel conditions and roads! I'm in the car a lot and I actually have a pretty intense phobia regarding car accidents so the stress level knocks me on my arse!

Oh and also we've had all of two groups of ToTers, got about 700 extra pieces of candy, anyone want some LOL??
this was a nutso intro.
Things went great on the rat/rat relationship level.

I was about to lose my mind though!!
Everyone was absolutely determined to all jump on the cage at the same time and it was crazy. Then Theia and Rizzy decided I was a ladder and to ride around on me in an attempt to jump on the cage. All while I grab Rocky and Pika off of it.

I let Rocky do what he wanted, didn't physically pull him off anyone once. He did some wrapping and whatnot but let go and everything seemed fine. I will have to watch the video, someone was always distracting me.

I probably sound really irked by the end but it actually was really fun (in a kind of annoying way) !!
So here's the video (it jumps around the 15 minute mark because of some technical issues that the iPad was having, starting to really hate that thing haha).
I think maybe I'll bring my cardboard wall (from the bathroom) into the ratroom and tape it around the cage, that should stop them from being able to get on the cage...
I need to see what he does when they aren't all messing with me. XD

Edit, I forgot I took this short video of some new stuff I got them. Not really much to do with the intro hehe.
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I have chloropast walls I put around the cages when they are out to keep them off them and away from the other boys. However, my babies apparently can climb anything and the nakies aren't far behind!!! :faces:
How tall are your walls?
Hehe silly ratties! I think rocky and Pika were having a contest - who can jump highest??
Hm not much taller than what they have right now. But I have heavy boxes in one corner because they rip up the carpet there if I don't. XD
So the box height boosts them. I think my cardboard walls are taller so that should be good. :3
My nakie climbed a bag of food onto the air tight container of food and up a DCN that didn't belong to them.... Sneezer is our nakie rat that loves to try and escape... and the buckeye boys can climb poles - that's just awesome...... NOT!
So, your intros are going really good and I would definitely be doing the next step which is scrubbing down the cage and moving them in together.
Have you been doing cage switching with them? That's not a big deal if you haven't...but what I'd be doing, scrub it down, do an out time/intro but access to the newly cleaned cage set up at their new home. After the out time, put them in, close it up and watch them for the full day.
Today is cage cleaning day. I'm currently in the middle of cleaning it.
I have been doing cage switching, used to keep them on the opposite sides for longer but they have switched every day.

Gulp! Okay here we go I will try it!
For me, I'll be sleeping in my own room which is across from the rat room with the doors open. I'm an extremely light sleeper, I can't even have my watch in my room when I sleep or it wakes me up.
But in your case, I would definitely sleep in the rat room if that's possible. Better safe than sorry.
I don't see why I can't sleep in there. Ugh I'm getting such a late start to this though. Now I have to go run and get groceries so I probably won't be starting any of it till about 5.

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