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Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2007
Oakdale, MN
New piercing! :D I love it so far, but then again I haven't tried to eat with it yet (ignore my crappy looking face, I didn't bother getting all pretty haha). :p


So now I have my ears, tongue, and lip. Next I wanna get my belly button and maybe my eyebrow. What piercings do you guys have? Pics?
Well I have one in each of my ears. I did have the upper ear pierced, but I had that done in winter and it was cold and didn't feel to good so I got rid of it. Then I got my belly button pierced but it stayed infected for 3 months and was constantly very sore. On the advice of my doctor I took it out, man did that feel much better. So yeah, just one in each ear now.

No tattoos, I can't stick with an idea long enough that I like to permanantly put it on my body. :wink2:
wel i have a lot more planned then i actually have right now. i cna hardly justify to myself to get a haircut (never mind the dye job i want) that i really can't jusitify a $30 hole or another tattoo right now. but what i do have is 2 holes in the lobe of my right ear (had another 2 up top but they got infected and dad had to remove them with pilers... ouch btw). and i have an old stlye mic tattoo (designed after my dad's radio award) on my right wrist as a symbol my my dad, my right hand man. and then i have a blood splatter crow (designed after the CD soundtrack of the 3rd Crow movie) on my chest for my son corvis (latin for crow) who is my heart and a huge part of myself and my life.

i try to have the tatts be symbolic of someone or some achievement and placed on a spot that has importance in relation.

for instance, my grandmother's is going to be a large vine of roses starting on the top of my foot and wrapping up to about mid-thiegh. she was my ancor for many year and a huge part of the foundation for myself. the rose is not only because that was part of her name (and mine) but also because like the rose she was beautiful, delicate and deceptively strong and fierce.

my mother's is going to be a couple golden horse shoes on my butt. i have been very lucky to have her and she is a treasure as good as gold, but frankly she's also been a pain in the butt! :giggle:

i am going to have a trail of ratty paw prints (one print for each rat that has passed that i have cared for-black for those that i adopted and another color undecided for those that i only fostered) wrapping over my shoulder and travelling down my arm some, not only because rats are shoulder-puppies but also because they have kept my spirit warm with their love just like a blanket.

i'm working on a design for my best friend, i need to keep ironing out the details for one for my cousins and aunt, i have one designed for each of my cats (snowball, sesshoumaru, minion and miyuki) and i'm working on the details for the one to celebrate my completion of university then another that would fit well beside or in with it for my completion of my master's degree in counseling. i'll also eventually design one for my life mate once i'm sure that i've found him, so at least not until about 20 years into the relationship... :p and i plan on adopting a little girl sometime in my future so i will have to leave space somewhere special for her as well, though i won't know what the design will be until i find her, perhaps its something we could work on together.

as for piercings, i would love to have my right ear finished my getting back my top ear holes and finding or making the earrings i want for it. i would also like to get a couple in my eye brow and one between my eyes (i saw these really neat glasses that will fit well in the piercing once) and i keep debating whether i want one in my lip or not. i chew my lip an awful lot, it would probably get in the way of that or become a new picky spot... so i don't know. likely though i won't get any of the facial piercings. i can't imagine being taken seriously as grief counselor or animal adoption counselor with them all in. might work in my favor if i worked with troubled teens maybe, or at least it wouldn't work against me in any case.. :p the tattoos i will get though, someday, when i have the spare cash for it. when needed they can be covered with clothing and there's no holes to stare at.

i'm done boring you now... :p back to your previously scheduled thread! :p
I LOVE the way that looks! Very cool.
I have my upper ear pierced (it got infected, but I was able to stick it out and keep it), used to have several in my lobes but took them all out but one in each, and my favourite is my nostril.
I'm more a tattoo person than a piercing one, although it has been a couple of years since my last tattoo. I have always wanted to get a tragus piercing though, they look really cool. I am just afraid of doing the cartlidge again.
i've had my belly button done, got infected though, so that had to go, plus i'm not too sure how that works when you're preggers??? I'm sure not well...
Both ears are done, nothing too fancy about that though is there? LOL

I've got one tattoo, a frog, that was made to look like shattered glass??? does that make sense at all?
I'm working on an idea of something to do with rats, and Cole... To honour them both...

Yeah i'm pretty boring, was ALOT more daring before I became a mama!
Lynds, I always loved what Tommy Lee did, he had his boys write their names when they were little and then he had that tattooed on him....I thought that was soo cute!!! (That might just be me though)...

You can kinda see them in this pic, there on his wrists...

I love the idea of having a rattie paw tatt for each of your dearly departed, it's such a sweet, meaningful idea ^^

I'm not inked (yet) but I have 7 piercings, mostly in my ears...3 in my right lobe, 1 in my left lobe, 2 left ear top and my lip (left side) - rats love lip rings btw. My next door neighbour's little beige hooded girl Cheesy had a go at pulling it off my face XD
Man, now I *really* want to get a paw print for each of my babies at the Bridge... permission to steal the idea?

Anyway. sweet piercing - I hope that jewelry leaves plenty of room for swelling, since lips swell like crazy.
I have my earlobes at 12g (sloooooowly stretching), left ear helix, right nostril, centered labret, and tongue. Had my navel and one nipple pierced, but abandoned both of those.
ETA: Oh yeah, I also have a tattoo of a blue/purple lotus on my left hip.

Quick picture:
About an hour after I got it done the ball came lose while I was eating and it fell out. I couldn't get the piercing back in so we ended up going back so she could do it for us. She decided to use a different type of ring (it's the same basic type, the ball is just bigger and the plate on the inside is smaller) since that would give it more room for selling. What a night! but for all that i's doing really good, doesn't hurt or anything.

I had my mom pierce my ears again (I only had one in each ear, now I have two) and I gotta say that hurt a lot worse than this lip one!
Yay for lip rings! I took mine out ages ago though.
Enjoy yours!

Just a precaution (I am a bit of a body-mod fanatic)
in the first photo the 'bar' is too short - I can tell because it leaves a slight indent - if you were to keep wearing that piece of jewelry it would start cause problems with your lip. You'd be fine to wear that AFTER it healed though just not during healing.

So I'm glad it got changed! now just watch that inside plate sometimes the small ones pull into your lip and healing is difficult. You'll know if you just check gently when you brush your teeth though. Look for weird redness, pain and a big indent.

Your piercer sounds pretty cool for being able to change it for you no problem though so I would just go back to her if anything seems odd.

:) I want to see photos of it healed in a couple weeks Mmkay!
Vanessa said:
I have always wanted to get a tragus piercing though, they look really cool. I am just afraid of doing the cartlidge again.

Just thought I would give you a bit of a heads up...my boyfriend has hid tragus pierced and said that the pain of that compared to the pain of getting his nipple pierced. Also he had the peircing for 3 months and because of the location it kept getting caught on stuff and getting infected so he took it out.

As for me I have 2 in my left ear, 2 in my right ear and one in the cartiledge and my nose (I'm surprised to hear there arent more ppl with their noses pierced). I also want to get 1 or 2 more in my ear lobes and one in my left ear in the cartiledge but I am waiting on the funds to be able to do that.
My lip ended up swelling while I was sleeping and the back dug into my lip. :( Of course, everywhere I go their piercers aren't there until Tuesday so I wrapped the back opf it to prevent it from digging in. Hopefully it will just heal on its own!

I'll definately post pics once it's all healed and pretty!
Ktina said:
My lip ended up swelling while I was sleeping and the back dug into my lip. :( Of course, everywhere I go their piercers aren't there until Tuesday so I wrapped the back opf it to prevent it from digging in. Hopefully it will just heal on its own!

I'll definately post pics once it's all healed and pretty!

That's why I prefer to heal lip piercings with 'fishtail' backs or rings.
:heart: sending happy lip vibes your way!
MeaganMonster said:
That's why I prefer to heal lip piercings with 'fishtail' backs or rings.

Of course, the fishtail jewelry is harder on the teeth/gums, and rings tend to set better at a different angle than labret posts, plus rings don't work well for a centered lip piercing for most people, so what works best for healing depends a lot on anatomy and what the client wants long term. A long enough post with a thick enough back (AKA not so thin that it has sharp edges) usually prevents 'digging in' problems, but it seems like not enough piercers use posts that are actually long enough for initial healing. Then, of course, there are the issues with dragging threads through a fresh piercing, and going threadless is *expensive*, if APP endorsed...

I always get the exact jewelry I want (usually after doing a lot of research) for healing my own piercings, though, 'cause I always have to get it ordered in. Stainless steel and I don't really get along.
Ktina said:
My lip ended up swelling while I was sleeping and the back dug into my lip. :( Of course, everywhere I go their piercers aren't there until Tuesday so I wrapped the back opf it to prevent it from digging in.

Thats not good...the piercer really should have known to put a long enough bar in for that. You should probably see about having it changed or it might not heal properly if the back is constantly putting pressure on it. Hope it heals well!

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