Halifax Nova Scotia - Dr. Carnegy

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and again I wanted to say I do believe SQ.....I know she had had many problems after using this vet......I do not know why but I certainly do believe her.

But I and my friend Beth have had nothing but great experience. Her rats were also spayed there....she only has one male and he was neutered at our new exotic vet closer to where we live. My friend Beth has also had a few tumor removals done at Dr. Carnegy....and all went wonderfully.
My two cents:
I had 4 girls and 2 boys done by Dr. Carnegy, all on the same day, and have had absolutely no problems.
However, the 5 brothers to this group were done by him and all have had recurring problems with abscesses that are still not resolved, and that was in the summer!!!
Hit or miss....
I have the five brothers. Since July I have spent close to $900 if not $1000 in vet bills as a result of the neuters Dr. Carnegy preformed on my boys. I live an hour away from his office and local vets weren't confident in doing the surgery. I currently have two boys on medication for abscesses, a third JUST got off his medication. My current vet believes it is the material used in the stitches... Bacteria cultures didn't show any bugs agressive enough that batril shouldn't have taken them out the first time.
That being said, Dr. Carnegy and the staff were exceptionally pleasnt to deal with. Anytime I had to drop them off when I picked them up at least one of the staff were showing them love. If you're not going in for surgery I would recommend him.
I wonder if someone should notify him officially about the problems. SQ's male rats' infections were from a nosocomial infection. Perhaps there is a careless employee?
My boys seem to be ok now, but the girls are still suffering.
And Nicole's boys are still suffering ... 6 months after surgery.

I am going to discuss things with my vet. Dr Carnegy should be paying the costs of treatments needed as the result of his surgery ... then perhaps my girls could get surgery to correct the problems.
If anything, Dr Carnegy needs to change his surgical protocols, especially with neuters. All those with problems have you returned to Dr. Carnegy to discuss this with him?
I moved shortly after the last neuters.
My rats have since been treated by my vet in NB.
Several months ago (early Sept, I think) my vet (here in NB) made Dr Carnegy (in NS) aware of the problems with my boy's neuters and the resistent infections.

I did discuss the neuter problems I had had previously with him.
I did take other rats with neuter abcesses back to him for treatment when I was living in NS.
I was not impressed by the followup provided. Those particular boys did eventually recover ... Although Artie still had a deep neuter abcess when he had to be pts 5 or 6 months later.
For a while I had been calling his office to inform him that the problem was still on going after I switched vets. The only response I got was that "male rats are prone to abscesses after neuters, it's very common. They react poorly to the suture material". After a few months, and countless abscess later I just stopped calling.
something i didnt like and it really bothered me being in the profession is when magic was neutered apparantly there was a bleeding issued and they had to reanesthetize him and i didnt find out about it until i picked him up. and i really didnt get told anything until i commented on his swollen and bruised scrotum. they knew i was a tech so being called wouldnt have freaked me out just informed me what was going on with him. esp after i voiced concerns to dr. carnegy myself regarding his breathing, age and weight prior to surgery.
you can try contacting the NSVMA and letting them know this too, they shouldnt be repeating the same scenario and getting the same results. i havent had a neuter abscess in any rats done at my currant employment.(12 rats now)

Nicole said:
For a while I had been calling his office to inform him that the problem was still on going after I switched vets. The only response I got was that "male rats are prone to abscesses after neuters, it's very common. They react poorly to the suture material". After a few months, and countless abscess later I just stopped calling.
SQ said:
My boys seem to be ok now, but the girls are still suffering.
And Nicole's boys are still suffering ... 6 months after surgery.
:shock: 5 months after surgery?? WOW. Mine were up and adam 3 days after surgery and had no problems what so ever and I had 5 neuters and 6 spays done. Something doesn't seem right.
I have had neuter abscesses, but I was easily able to take care of them all by myself, no prolonged infection or anything like that. I don't think you will get much satisfaction from this vet at all :(
I don't have any updates as I moved to NB last summer.
I would never use this vet for surgery on rats ..... his surgical mistakes have caused my rats lifelong suffering.
Also the cost of having large numbers of rats on antibiotics for months re neuter abcesses and rats having surgery with another vet to correct some of the damange created by Dr Carnegy's surgery.
I think he used to do rat neuters like invasive dog neuters which causes lots more problems in rats. But now he does them like cat neuters. And he now uses surgical glue instead of sutures.
jorats said:
Vets learn and gain experience with time.
The tail docking, was that several years ago with that so called breeder?

How horrible!!! Why would she do that!?! It's part of their body, and so necessary. I wish someone would chop off one of her limbs.

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