Feeder Breeder Girl

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So removed the ramp and level and she was not happy about it so I draped a piece of fleece over that side so she can still feel she has privacy :) We are getting pretty antsy and she has stretched out 3 times in the past 20 minutes I am still hoping that maybe that is just her way of stretching but I am gonna leave her be and check back in an hour or so and see how she is acting then. We have had very little sneezes today YAY! haha and she also is a bit more brave and even groomed my nails for me for a few seconds. I think my rats are starting to realize something is up.My hands also might be in danger of falling off as much as I have washed and sanatizered them the past few days haha.Thankfully I have my daughter to help me keep everyone happy cause without her I would probably be running around like a chicken with its head cut off right now haha. I will try and get pictures of her sweet face when I find my replacement memory card for my camera because mine decided to commit suicide and part of the end broke off when I put it in my computer...
My daughter let me borrow her memory card :) Here is a couple of our girl..Wish should would let me hold her so you could all see her big fat belly cause these pictures don't do her justice haha we got scrambled eggs and some cheerios for a midnight snack, I was gonna toss in some carrots but thought that might be overdueing it a bit.


Oh, she looks so cozy and content to me. :)

Glad you could get a couple of photos...she is such a pretty girl!
She is a beautiful girl :) We are still sneezing and the whistle is back in her nose again but lungs are still clear. She moved her nest to the other side of the cage as some point but other then that I am not really seeing anymore pregnancy symptoms though I am not watching her all the time and only check on her every hour or so. So I don't know what she is doing with her free time but she does seem to have alot of energy today and has climbed around on the side of the cage a few times :) I have hairy dogs so that might be one reason for her sneezing I suppose, I can't imagine the paper bedding making her sneeze so I guess we will see.
The bedding isn't dusty I even just checked the bottom of the bag to make sure :) It is just pieces of shredded paper. It's called eco bedding and has no smell really at all. I'm not ruling it our as a cause and if in a couple more days the sneezes don't clear up I will try something else for her and see if that helps. I thought maybe dogs because they just started shedding their summer coats and there are dog hair tumble weeds all over the house even with sweeping and brushing everyday it is a never ending battle lol.

Oh I've used that stuff before. I didn't like it. Gets stuck everywhere, soggy when wet, smelly too.

I use fleece now, but occasionally I will use the national geographic comfort bedding with coconut fiber on occasion and I like it.
Today was the boys turn to have their cage cleaned and now sheldon I see what you mean by the smell...As soon as I started moving the bedding around it hit me in the face! Luckily I used to last of it after I was done cleaning the cage...So now I am in the market for a new bedding haha. It is also time for hope's bedding to be changed but I don't know how mad she is gonna be at me for messing up another one of her nests.She is still wary of me and still won't let me touch her but she has no problems putting her front paws on me and I don't wanna say she is turning into a biter but she has given me a couple a good hard nibbles on my fingers and knuckles the past two nights. No babies yet :) but lots of belly cleaning and nesting..She has one on each side of the cage now but I guess only time will tell.


We are a very sleepy girl today..She didn't wake while I was cleaning so she must be really tired.Tuesday can't come soon enough cause I want that yucky tumor off of her! But being my luck if she is pretty she will have babies around then haha. Is there a way for them to tell if she is or isn't? or is it just a guessing game for them as well?
I will ask the vet about it when I see her if no babies by then :) She woke up for a few minutes earlier to eat some food and get a drink and then right back to her nest for sleepy time which once I sat and thought about it she was up early yesterday (saturday) morning just going crazy tearing up her nests which I assume she wasn't happy with the 2 she made and she was almost throwing it about haha she pushed most of the bedding into the middle of the cage and then started all over again so now we are down to one nice deep nest which is what she has been snoozing in all day.It made me giggle a bit her pushing it about like a crazy person.Also I thought I might add that I have heard no sneezes today yay!
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Weighing daily is honestly the best way to determine pregnancy...

How long have you had her now?

She cannot have the surgery on Tuesday if she's pregnant as that will kill the babies, unless you are planning an e-spay at the same time?

If no e-spay in the works, then you are just going to have to wait it out with her. Wait the full 23 days and then she can have her surgery if there's no babies.
This is day 6 of her being here :) I am gonna order a scale online tonight since I can't seem to find any stores around town that carry them. Tuesdays appointment is just a check up basically to get an idea of her overall health and to see what the vet wants to do about the tumor. If she says it is to risky for her to have babies with it then I will discuss the possibility of an e-spay for her. But like you said I need to get a scale and weigh her everyday to see if she is gaining possible pregnancy weight which is gonna be fun cause day 6 and she still doesn't want to be touched unless she is touching you. If she thinks that you are gonna touch her then she runs away and if you follow with your hand she gives warning nips but when you actually pick her up she doesn't bite just sits in your hand but not for very long before she wants down. No sneezes again today so atleast we are making progress there. Time,patience and love is what this sweet girl needs :) Everything else is dependent on what the vet says and hopefully she gives the ok to wait it out to see if babies come and then we can get them grown up, weaned and off to good homes then get her all fixed up so she never has to worry about babies ever again.
In a turn of events I had to cancel Hope's vet appointment today because me and the kiddos have come down with a stomach bug so doctor appointments for us instead :( They rescheduled her for next monday a 1:30. She is doing pretty good and seems quite excited today :) She has been climbing up on the side of her cage when she sees someone coming near.Are sneezing has started up again but seems only when she is excited and sniffing intently. But her lungs still sound good and my husband was nice enough to go out and get some carefresh so I could clean everyones cages last night which she was again not a fan of me destroying her nests but she made 2 more overnight so she is happy again. I will let you guys know if anything new happens and I think since we are pushing her appt back another week we can take a possible e-spay off the table since that will put her at atleast 14 days along but with a look of her roundish belly she has to be further then that. I honestly don't know I just feel like death right now so when I crawl out of the depths of whatever this is I will let you guys know if anything has changed.I tried to get a good belly picture of her earlier but since she won't let me hold her for very long I had to do a photo shoot of her greeting me in the cage..if any of that makes sense.






Nothing new with hope girl :) Getting fatter and nesting but still waiting for my scale to get here....
Been busy around my house lately so haven't gotten to updating everyone on hope and her tumor :) It is a mammary tumor and if she is pregnant or not is still up in the air but she has 8 more days and then we can safely say no babies and move forward with her tumor removal and probably a spay just to lesson the chances of it returning in the future. She weighs 460grams and if she would let me weigh her I could see if she is gaining or not but she still doesn't wanna be held and picks and chooses when you can pet her. Any suggestions on how to weigh her without making her hate me are greatly appreciated :)



Yea me too haha She really is trying to trust us but we keep doing all these mean things to her :) I was told I could use a small box and weigh the box then put her in and weigh it again but I am afraid if I do that then she might hate me forever.....So I wait patiently...8 more days cause today is day 20 of her being here but I don't know when she had her last litter and if she was with males if/when she did. It is hard not knowing really anything about her before she came here other then she was used as a baby making machine.
My vet uses a little plastic tub on the scale. Measures the tub then puts rattie in and tries to get them to stand a little still...
Don't get a box where the walls are so high she feels trapped... Just high enough to kinda keep her in place. And ratties might get a little mad at you but no way they hate you forever. A Cheerio or two and you're back to being their favorite human