whoever said bad things come in 3s might be right...

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Senior Member
Sep 14, 2010
Southeastern Virginia
A few weeks ago 20 year old kitty gal Felicity went batty in the head and for the first time ever, jumped onto the stove. No burners on, but Ma had just finished boiling water, and Felicity ended up with 3 mildly burnt feet. She's been clunking around the house like a pirate kitty with 3 peg legs up until yesterday, when they finally took the bandages off. Here's to hoping she doesn't do that again.

Gaius, our little FIV+ kitty, had another allergic flare up last week and needed yet another Depo-Medrol shot. He's been getting these every few months for over a year now, scabs on his stomach that he chews at until they bleed, and up until this time he's tolerated the shots just fine, and the itchy scabs have cleared right up. Vet had mentioned possible but rare respiratory side effects. The past couple of days, Guy has been making these awful hacking sounds from time to time. He's either working on the mother of all hairballs, or is finally experiencing some side-effects. Keeping a wary eye on him for now, but he's otherwise behaving normally. With his FIV the vet wants to be cautious about which drugs he is put on, and we were so happy that the Depo has been working so well. Hoping we don't have to switch to something new, but we'll see.

And lastly. My sweet little Jersey Marie was limping badly when I came home one night last week. When she was just a wee kitten she severed a growth plate in her hip, and we didn't realize how bad it was until she became lethargic from not using the bathroom, squatting in the box was too painful I suppose. Not wanting to re-live another kitten enema, Ma took her in this time the next morning for x-rays, just to be safe. Vet referred the pics to kitty chiropractor, because he wasn't sure what he was seeing. But he gave her an anti-inflammatory and pain meds for the time being, which helped a bit. Chiro called, said we may be looking at some sort of degenerative bone or joint disease, there's some ?calcification? around the knee joint (or kitty equivalent of a knee I guess), and an odd calcified mass that doesn't really belong there. She's to have chondroitin and glucosamine for a while, see if she improves, otherwise they may do some surgery.

All of the vet's info comes to me second-hand from my mother. I lose a lot in translation, because Ma gets so upset and overwhelmed at the vet and has a hard time absorbing so much info so quick. But basically our vet and the chiro are concerned about Jersey having some degenerative thing going on. She's barely 3 years old. It's still early to know what exactly is going on with her, but it's still depressing as heck. Jersey has always been an ornery little thing; she refuses to eat on the floor with the other cats, opting to jump on the counter while wet food is being dished out. She's antisocial, but every morning she rushes into the kitchen after me, doing her little Maine Coon chirp, and jumps onto the counter to disrupt my breakfast so she can get head scritchings. Jersey hasn't been up to jumping lately (nor should she even be trying). I am missing my special morning breakfast times with her. She's too young, too full of life and mischeif to have something like this slow her down. It's not the first joint-related issue she's had, and to think they might just keep coming breaks my heart a little bit.
I have a cat that has joint issues that caused him to put hardly any weight on one of his front legs. We tried different things but nothing seemed to work until we tried cartilage injections. I give them sub-q so they are easy to give and they have worked wonders for him. It was an expensive start up cost ($140 for the meds) but it will last forever. You would start out giving an injection every week for a month and then only as needed after that. It all depends on your cats issues but it might be something worth looking into.
It's hard when our pets get hurt... with rats, it's a given, I'm used to it but when it happens to our bigger pets, it scares me much more.
Thanks all for the kind words. We've been fairly lucky the past 5 months - no major health issues, no losses. I was looking at all the happy, healthy critters last month, just wondering which one it would be to end the five month streak of no huge vet bills. And of course, when it rains, it pours. Although I should be thanking my lucky stars that we're not dealing with anything more serious and emergent.