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Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Nov 21, 2009
I got the neatest surprise in the mail yesterday
I just wrote an entire post about it and lost the post :gaah:
and now my muscle relaxer is kicking in and I gotta go lay down before i fall down
but this is what I got:


they are awesome!

so who is this mysterious gifting friend?? :stickpoke:

whomever you are, we :heart: :heart: You

thanks so very much
more later after i crash
Nice! Cant question lol it does no good they never fess up!

You will love the cross tube, my ratties adore it.
hopefloats said:
Nice! Cant question lol it does no good they never fess up!

You will love the cross tube, my ratties adore it.

yeh I am pretty sure my rats are gonna love it too
They better not eat it! it's too nice for nomming on!
xio said:
We're hammock twins! Yay. Isn't that fabric the bestest? And the hammock maker is amazing too :)

oh how cool is that! I love the colors, little skelanimals on green with pink inside, it makes me think of peppermints YUM!! better not let the rats hear me saying YUM about the hammies though, or they'll get the wrong idea!

whomever you are, thank you thank you thank you! I hope you are reading this thread.

I cannot figure out how these hammocks were made, they are seamless!! and *very* well made.
Spork is fantastic seamstress. :bow:
well i still have no clue who sent these awesome hammocks to my "kids" but the cross tube was an instant hit
(I haven't put the other hammock in the cage yet, I need to do some rearranging first)

here's Hope inspecting the top of it :giggle:

Evie checks it out too and gives it a little lick for good measure

Teddy didn't realize that it was easier to get in it tube from the other side, so he peeks in on Evie, trying to figure out how she got in there (after I took these photos, I moved the corner hammock out of the cage and put the cross tube back a bit so they could get in it from all sides without any trouble)

I'm not really sure what's going on in this photo, looks like Evie is tasting Teddy's paw...? lol:

I've got more photos that I"ll post in Spork's hammock thread in the Garage Sale section.

THANK YOU WHOMEVER YOU ARE! we :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: the new hammies!
will post again after I put the triangular one in the cage