Should I go for it or hold off for a FN142?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2008
New Hampshire, USA
36" x 24" x 55.7"H
Bar spacing is being checked


Its a ferret cage, the only thing that makes me really wary is that is down to the floor, basically, with only casters underneath. If we didn't have the 4 cats, and the girls weren't being moved to the living room for the winter (I sleep with a bedroom window open, I want them to be warm) I'd be all gung ho about it, but it makes me nervous having that lower bit of the cage low enough for our sneaky little feline demons to poke at the babies...

I know it needs to be modified anyway, and its only a price difference of like $50 because I can get a FN for $150 on ebay...What do you guys think?

Right now I only have my four girls, I'm getting a fifth this weekend (Poe and Mishka's sister who, when I took the other two, was too much for me, I didn't think I could handle having five, but they're all such dolls and so laid back with the exception of Wilomena, five should be cake), and I have them in a SP deluxe for exotics (which at first I loved, and now I hate) for now, and considering they're all small girls still, only a few months old, I'm not worried about the cage being too crowded for another month or two while I modify a cage slowly...

The only other major benefit to having the FN will be if I split the levels, I can foster...which I'd like to do, the other cage I think would lead to alot of GGMR instead, which isn't a BAD thing, just an EXPENSIVE thing after awhile.
This cage is big, would need better shelves and with cats roaming about, you'll have to modify it. I'm sure the bar spacing is 1". I personally would wait for the FN.
it is 1'' spacing, I just got the email back. The more I think about it the more my hemming and hawing is just turning into very VERY few pros for that cage...FN has big doors, that has two awkward ones, etc etc etc.....

So a few more months working toward a FN for my boyfriend to lug up two flights of stairs to the apartment!
FN's are the dream cage, I wish I got one, but I wanted to save my money. (I'm a poor, impatient, kid. Well... now I'm poor, I was better at saving money before the rats.
Yes, but all your animals are good. I have bratty cats that think rat tails make amazing toys, and rats who think cats are cause for hissing and puffing! I can't have a cage that goes all the way down to the floor.
The FN is on a stand, and you could block the bottom of the cage with something. Can you close off the rat room? My cat likes to watch rats, and she freaks them out a bit, but doesn't hurt them. She also like to sleep on my bed.. yaaay! *sneeze, scratch, itch!*
There is no rat room in the winter, the girls will have to be in the living room because the window has to stay open in here (or else I will quite literally suffocate in my sleep when my room mate has the heat on, I'm used to the heat only being set to 45 overnight, tops, and the vent to my bedroom not working at all, so that waking up in the morning means my cup of water on my nightstand has a thin layer of ice...I sleep best when its freezing!) and even during warmer months, they're in my bedroom, which can't house a larger cage than what I have now, there's absolutely NO more floor space, so essentially we're looking at a cage that can be in a common room. All 4 cats know not to jump onto the cage (stitches in a paw pad teach that lesson well) but I don't trust them not to crowd it if I had a cage that went to the floor. I like the FN for the stand, and for now, I can just have them in the top level and use the lower level for storage. I pretty much made up my mind because of all this, lol.