My 13 year old cat is gone

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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2014
I'm frantic right now and I've been literally crying for hours. Last night my 13 year old cat was coughing really heavily and I was planning to call the vet today. A few hours later, my sister managed to leave not one but TWO doors open and he and another of my 3 cats (a 1 year old that belongs to my nephew) are gone.

I was out in the dark looking and I found him three times but he's deaf and he didn't recognize me so he ran. The last time he ran he howled the howl he does when he's terrified, so I waited until it was light to resume searching because I knew I was scaring him. I've looked for hours and there's no sign of him or the younger cat.

I went to a copy store and go flyers made. To put on people's doors or windshields or both. We live in a trailer court by a busy street, but where I saw him was away from the street from my house. So i have hope that at least the older cat Sonny will stay away from the street. Being deaf he will get run over if he doesn't. Otherwise there's nothing much around and nowhere else for them to really go so I don't think they'll leave the trailer court but it's big enough that it's not easy to find them.

I was crying the whole time I was at the store and I can't stop crying. I feel like it's a nonstop panic attack, I can't describe the bond I have with this cat and he with me. I don't think he's coming home, I have a bad feeling. It was cold and wet last night I can't imagine how scared he was. And he was already feeling sick.

There are trailers here without skirting, for all I know he crawled under one and will stay there and die. Like I said I have a horrible feeling. I will never forgive my sister, she knows how much that cat means to me. And also the younger one means a lot to her son. To be so careless, I can't stand it right now. She already got all these rats that now she doesn't take care of, I do. Then to have such disregard for my pets.

My third cat is a mess. He's looking for his friends. Every time i came back from searching he was at the door crying. He's all over me, which is unusual he's usually very aloof.

I'm sorry I'm rambling but I'm just devastated I can't even put into words. I love that cat so much and I thought when he did die it would be peacefully in my arms of old age. Not out in the cold alone and scared.

at :21 you can see he was trying to cough. He was already sick. I don't think he can make it in the elements, he's escaped ONE time in his life, for 30 minutes, 12 years ago. He's been gone now for 12 hours.


BTW my screenname is Sonny Vincent. That's my cat that's missing.
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I'm so sorry. Other people being careless with pets is terrifying. It's one of those things you really can't be prepared for all the time. The poor guy. I really hope he's able to find his way back. At least he avoided the road. I really hope this works out for you. I can imagine how heartbroken you are. Do you have a good relationship with any neighbors that could maybe help you search? And do you have food and water set out for him and the other, in case they do wander close to you again?
I don't know any of the neighbors but I was such a mess one of them actually hugged me today. I've dealt with disabling depression for many years and there were times my only excuse for living was that I had Sonny and he was so old they'd probably kill him if I killed myself because he wouldn't be adoptable. He's literally saved my life so many times. I failed him for letting him be put in harm's way. My sister is a monster. I'll never forgive her.

I put food and water out on the side of the house, and have left the sliding door to the porch open for them. I think if I keep wandering the neighborhood sobbing someone's going to call the police so I am just sitting here crying. And my sister is peacefully sleeping like it's nothing.






I can relate to you, with a pet being a big reason for getting up in the morning. I'm so sorry that your neighbors are being more understanding of your suffering than your own sister. Did she at least help you look?

Maybe the food and the open door will do the trick. You can only hope. And even though the neighbors don't know you, if they've noticed your suffering, maybe they'll be on the lookout for him too.

You didn't fail him. You have reason to believe that your pets are safe in your own home, with their own family. You clearly love him and have given him a good life. This doesn't invalidate that.

Keep us updated. Take some comfort in your remaining cat. It sounds like he needs love and comfort like you do right now. If you're not going to get it from your family, you at least both have another living thing to worry about, to maybe keep you focused while you wait.
Max isnt leaving my side, he's usually so aloof. It was him acting agitated that clued me in that the other 2 were gone. I heard howling a half hour ago, I know it was Sonny, but couldn't find him, and now they're doing tree cutting in the area where he would've been where the howling was coming from. They're doing tree cutting all over the neighborhood today which must make this even more terrifying for Sonny and Roman :(

She didn't help me look, mostly because I told her not to as the cats really don't like her. The only one who likes her is the one who thankfully stayed so that I have at least one kitty to pet right now. I do expect her to go door to door with the flyers when she decides to wake up. I had like 30 color flyers and 50 black and white ones made. I'm going to the animal control in a few minutes when they open. They're not too far from here.

I have to find a way to settle down because if I don't, when my sister wakes up I'm going to say things I can't take back. Words like evil, monster, hate, unforgivable
Yeah, you definitely want to avoid more drama in the house. You need to all be as much of a united front as possible to work through this.

Poor babies. Maybe all of the commotion outside will drive them home?
Where do you live? Can you scan copies of the fliers and post them here? We can put them up on Facebook, etc.
literally nobody will help me hand out flyers and everyone knows how much this cat means to me. i'm just devastated all around. he deserved better than this.
All the neighborhood kids came out and helped hand out the flyers. That was really sweet, and one of the neighbor ladies. I think if anything if the cats dont come back here they might gravitate to her house because i saw a lot of cats goign in and out from under her porch she says the neighborhood strays seems to gravitate there. But no sign of them at all and nobody saw them today. I think they're holed up somewhere duringthe day, then at night i can't see to even try to get to them. I'm trying all the advice i've read online with putting stuff outside and i'm even leaving the sliding door to the porch open in case they want to come back in and stay for shelter. The one freaky thing is someone said people inone of the trailers shoot cats with bb guns :( that better not happen ugh :(
Perhaps you should get a couple of live traps and bait them to see if you can catch them, especially in the evening when you can't look for them.
Sonny came back, I had the sliding door open partway and he scratched at the front door to announce his arrival. Came in the house ran around like a crazy cat hollering as if I had done something wrong. But now he's settled and relaxing, tired. Still need to find my nephew's cat, and was able to get a trap from a Facebook friend. My nephew cried because Roman wasn't with Sonny, I think he thought they were together out there. Poor boy he's only 6 :(

Thanks for the support today I really needed it I do love this cat.
My fingers are crossed you can find Roman for your nephew <3 a young cat has a good chance of surviving so keep your chin up. Putting a soiled litter box outside is supposed ot really help. Im glad ot hear Sonny made it home <3

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