Mites - treated

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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2008
Cleveland, England
Patrick has mites :( which means Sid will have them too. Hes been scratching loads lately, and my mum said she felt a scab on his shoulder today so we got him out, brushed the fur back on his neck and theres just tonnes of little red scabs all along his shoulder, over his neck, and behind his ears. I've searched the supermarket because I was going to give them a treatment anyways, but the supermarket doesn't sell the stuff i wanted anymore. I checked in the pet store last week too and they only had a spot-on treatment for Hamsters. I didn't think that it would be strong enough or enough in the bottle to treat two large male rats (what do u think?).

I've taken my rats to the vet before for a mite treatment, and they do a weekly treatment once a week for three weeks, to make sure it clears all. The thing is though, its a little expensive. The first treatment and consultation normally costs around £25 (for one rat only), the next around £17, and then the next one is cheaper at around £12. It all adds up though, and i'll have to treat TWO rats this time in one go, otherwise i'd just be going in circles with it.

Do you think there is any way that the vet would give me enough of the stuff to treat them for the whole 3 week period, doing it by myself, instead of having to go in every week and spend a fortune? I don't know if i'd just be wasting my time asking - or if any of you have ever done it before. Money is super tight atm, i've moved back to my mums but we can't get rid of the other house until April (grr) so i'm still paying the bills and rent on the other place :doh:

Not sure what to do with my boys atm. Don't know when i will get my next benefit cheque either to get them to the vet :(
Does your vet sell cat or kitten revolution?
It is good for mites, the amount is based on weight but is approx one drop on the back of the rat's neck. One treatment lasts 4 weeks and usually that is all the med. needed.
If your vet is doing the 3 week treatment, I'm betting it's ivermectin. You can ask your vet for enough ivermectin to treat them yourself at home, it can be given orally.
I have no idea what they use for the treatment. I think they give injections of it too some times (?):?
Ill ask about the revolution, just wondering if itd be called the same in England though. Ill try doing some research.
Im hoping they'll just ask me to take the boys down to get weighed and then they'll mark up the dose for me.
I have a bottle of Bob Martin Mite spray for small animals in the cupboard (I forgot it was there, my mum found it the other day). I know the risks about using it ON the animals, and I don't, but I was wondering if it would be ok to use to spray the cage down while they wernt in it?
you don't need to spary the cage down.
You may want to give it a good cleaning, wash all cloth and freeze all wood, once your ratties start their treatment
ok :D
They have wooden shelves in their cage covered with fleece. How long do i need to freeze the wood for? My mums gunna go crazy :laugh4:
At least 48 hours in the freezer.

Eqvalan might be the name of the ivermectin which can be given via shot or oral, ask for oral so it doesn't irritate the skin.
I was going to take the boys down to the vets today... opened the blinds and we have a full on blizzard outside :doh:

I have no idea when they are going to be able to go. I dont have access to a car and it is TOO cold for them to be in the box while im walkin to the vets.. even with a box full of towels :wallbang:

Its not only snowing, there is thunder and lightening too. I have never ever seen thunder and lightning in a snow storm before :?
ryelle said:
I was going to take the boys down to the vets today... opened the blinds and we have a full on blizzard outside :doh:

I have no idea when they are going to be able to go. I dont have access to a car and it is TOO cold for them to be in the box while im walkin to the vets.. even with a box full of towels :wallbang:

Its not only snowing, there is thunder and lightening too. I have never ever seen thunder and lightning in a snow storm before :?

Thunder and Lightening don't happen very often, but I think it is so cool. :laugh4:
haha there was a flash this morning at around 1am and then a loud bang and i wasnt sure what it was (a few years ago a car blew up in a street behind mine, so it could have been anything lol!!). The second storm has just blown over now and we have a bit of sunshine. I thought it might melt the snow on the paths and the road but there must be a good 5 inches out there. Still, too cold for Rattys - the windchill is horrendous. Thinking about making them a larger hammock (possibly a double) so they can both fit in it, because it is rather cold inside too (im about to grab another pair of socks)
O.K, ive checked the weather forcast for the week and its bad. bad for rats anyways. Lots of snow/rain and temperatures around 2°C to -2°C. Gunna be icy by the looks of things. The vets have said i wont be able to get any treatment without having an appointment and taking the boys down (damn!)

They have just said on the news: "Do not travel unless your journey is essential" and the Ambulance service is only responding to life threatening calls. Pretty bad for little ole' England lol!

The receptionist mentioned looking at the larger stores like Pets at Home, but there is no possible way of me getting there. For some STUPID reason they took the bus route off that went to the retail park - so the only possible way there is by car or walking (for 1 whole hour)

So, online, they are selling this stuff:

"Anti-Parasite Spot On for Rabbits and Guinea Pigs by Beaphar
Anti-Parasite Spot On for Rabbits and Guinea Pigs by Beaphar is the quick and easy way to treat and protect your pet against lice, mange and other mites and roundworms. Each pack contains two pipettes with the active ingredient Ivermectin 150ug. Provides up to 4 weeks cover. Suitable for rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets and rats."

Should i order a box?
Wahoo, the spot-on finally came this morning. I've treated both boys.

Its FREEEZZING in this house today, so i need to make sure i put all the beds back in. Theyve been on the radiator after being in the wash so they should be all warm for my two boys :D

Patrick looks happier already :)

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