Elderly male rat acting weird!!

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Dec 5, 2023
Coeur d'Alene
Hello everyone! Short and sweet and to the point my male rat Storm started acting strange about 5 days ago maybe. He's 2.5 years old and a big boy and my best friend☺️

His balance was off he was breathing like trying to catch his breath or something and idk I think he had a slight head tilt but not much of one. He's drinking water and is eating his favorite treats but not his food. Storm also is extremely lethargic and moving slow.

So 2 days ago I was checking everything on him once again got a penis plug out and then looked in his ears one ear was fine but the other was slightly built up wax and dirt. So I did some research on medication etc and from what I'm hearing he possibly might have an ear infection. Then I went to go back to tend to his ear the wax or whatever it was had fallen out and I gave him Doxy and Infant ibuprofen last night just in case of an ear infection.

When I woke up this morning it seemed like the medicine kinda helped he had a little bounce in his step again but was still slightly slow and seems out of breath. And only ate a tiny little bit of his food and again mostly just wants his treats.

But I don't know what it could be if he's passing then I understand I just want to make sure he's comfortable if he is but if he's sick please any advice helps! 💕
Hello everyone! Short and sweet and to the point my male rat Storm started acting strange about 5 days ago maybe. He's 2.5 years old and a big boy and my best friend☺️

His balance was off he was breathing like trying to catch his breath or something and idk I think he had a slight head tilt but not much of one. He's drinking water and is eating his favorite treats but not his food. Storm also is extremely lethargic and moving slow.

So 2 days ago I was checking everything on him once again got a penis plug out and then looked in his ears one ear was fine but the other was slightly built up wax and dirt. So I did some research on medication etc and from what I'm hearing he possibly might have an ear infection. Then I went to go back to tend to his ear the wax or whatever it was had fallen out and I gave him Doxy and Infant ibuprofen last night just in case of an ear infection.

When I woke up this morning it seemed like the medicine kinda helped he had a little bounce in his step again but was still slightly slow and seems out of breath. And only ate a tiny little bit of his food and again mostly just wants his treats.

But I don't know what it could be if he's passing then I understand I just want to make sure he's comfortable if he is but if he's sick please any advice helps! 💕
I have no answer, but im sorry that thats happening to him! Is he still ok? I hope he gets better if hes alright!
I have no answer, but im sorry that thats happening to him! Is he still ok? I hope he gets better if hes alright!
Thank you for even responding this helps me just find out what's wrong or to get it off my chest if he is passing, but sadly he's not even taking treats and very rarely ever eats but occasionally drinks water other than that he sleeps all the time. And he stopped grooming himself awhile ago so I'm starting to think he's passing 😞
I'd keep him on the doxy and get him some Boost or Ensure, they'll often drink that when they have no appetite. They'll often take pieces of avocado too.
just a note about the Boost/Ensure - it only keeps about 3 days in the fridge once opened, so I pour it into an ice cube tray to freeze, then thaw as needed..

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