CN pans and scatter guards

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Senior Member - Vegan for the animals
Jul 21, 2007
central New Brunswick Canada
1. I was wondering how well people are finding the metal CN pans from FTC are working.

2. I was also wondering how well people are finding the CN scatter guards are working.

It would be very very helpful if people would share their experiences with these products.

I find the CN pan great for reducing scatter. Hmmmm, I should put it in Cadillac & Caramel's cage! :idea:

Someone posted recently in Reviews about the scatter guards. They sound like another good choice.
I have a CN pan in the botton half of the cage and I love it...however I still have to sweep up the loose bedding daily (carefresh/boxo) but the rats seem to love digging around in the bottom in the bedding and I use fleece for top half... the bottom gets dumped once a week and gets new bedding and the top fleece 2-3times a week...has helped a lot with the smell and I do not have to change both top and bottom 2-3times a week.