What color is she?

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Jul 22, 2010
Ohio, USA
I got this new little girl yesterday and was told she was a blue Rex, however...now that I have her I feel like she isn't actually blue? She's a very strange color...I've had some people tell me she will just end up black and others are saying mink. I'm curious as to what some of you think???




Sorry about the image size :( I don't know how to shrink them!!!​
Looks black to me. Babies can look grey at certain points when they are molting their baby fur and growing in their adult fur.
I would say chocolate, my mink isn't that dark. Although it could just be the pictures. She's adorable. :)
I would say chocolate, my mink isn't that dark. Although it could just be the pictures. She's adorable. :)

And here's the crunch. True genetic chocolate is actually incredibly rare, even in the breeder's circles, so highly unlikely she's that. :)

I am going to say a poor rexxy baby black :)

The rex often lightens the black a bit, and the baby coat (which will molt out soon) also is often lighter :)

She's adorable btw.
She may end up looking like this (our late Curley) so, if you wouldn't mind you can just mail her my way please. She's absolutely adorable and a rex :heart::heart:
And here's the crunch. True genetic chocolate is actually incredibly rare, even in the breeder's circles, so highly unlikely she's that. :)

I am going to say a poor rexxy baby black :)

The rex often lightens the black a bit, and the baby coat (which will molt out soon) also is often lighter :)

She's adorable btw.
Ohh I didn't know that, how interesting. Colors are so confusing. I just know I love her fur and want a fuzzy rex one day. <3
It's kind of hard to tell in the picture, but if her fur is grey then I think it might end up turning black! She looks like my Rizzo, who's also a rex and when we first got her she had grey fur. Then she started to lose the fur in patches in some areas and then her whole coat turned black once she got older : )
Whatever colour she turns, she is very cute! I love those curly rex whiskers :cheerful:
She is adorable!! I thought at first she might be a Russian Blue rex, but yes, it is hard to tell. But boy is she a cutie! Can I please adopt her? :p
She is super cute! Sorry but I don't have experience to tell the patterns and colors yet. She is a looker though. :)

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