Wally - nasty abscess 7/29/15 update

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Last night the tiny hole had a scab on it - not sure what to make of that. I think the laser cleaned up the edges, but also made it so they didn't close up/attach to each other as they would of without it. I hope you guys understand what I'm trying to say. Either way there is no swelling so I don't think its refilling or anything.
He looks fine, but I think he's getting annoyed with his upstairs dwellers (the buckeye boys) they make too much noise for him....
Wally's abscess healed without any problem and he has a slight scar where it was - probably from the laser. I do think it took alittle longer to close than it normally would of had they not done the laser procedure. The procedure made the edges very smooth, but I think it made it take longer to close. Now he has a snip snip date 12/11
Well, I was going to say Wally's has another dang abscess even though that stupid gland was removed. HOWEVER, now that I have seen my previous pictures - the new dang abscess is on the other side :cuss: My poor Wally, it is oozing yellow through a pin size hole, but he won't let me squeeze it without screaming/whining in pain so for now I will let it run its course. Hopefully another gland will not pop out.

:bow: Please abscess Gods let this be a simple stinky abscess!! :bow:
Wally will be seeing the vet on Monday. The yellow goo is now coming out around his winky and it looks like he is playing with the bump since I see scratch marks on it. We are giving him advil for pain and I have tried soaking him which he actually seemed to like. I don't want to squeeze it since his gland came out of his last abscess (on its own) and I don't want a repeat of that on this side.
That's what I'm thinking since with him and his past history I'm afraid to squeeze it. So far there as only been a pin size hole I have been able to get a very little bit of goo out of. He had about two absesses on the other side before that male gland came out the next abscess he had. I don't know if it just popped out or he pulled it out.
Hmmm. I've had great luck with lancing just enough to allow better drainage. Then if it seals over, the pressure of buildup will split the scab naturally and it can drain again, if needed.
Wally is currently recovering from his vet ordeal today and he's not a happy rat! He had to be sedated so she could lancet the abscess, which oddly dropped from the middle of his belly to next to his winky, the abscess was very deep and full of yellow/green thick stringy stinky goo. I have no idea how all that was in him and I only saw some of it. Since it was so deep she also used the lazer on it. He also had the weird spot on his tail taken off, the one that tested positive for ringworm. We'll he grew another nasty spot on his tail too. The initial spot seemed healed when she pulled off the scabs since there was pink tail underneath, but the other spot was bloody and had pus so that is been sent off again to see what it is. He also managed to rip off a toe nail fighting to get away from her. He is now on chloropalm, tramadol, and metacam. My poor Wally..
Everything seems to be healing just fine, but I don't think he's eating. I hope he's just bummed about being in the hospital cage, but might have to force feed tonight if I don't see any food missing.
Thank you all for asking about me .....

I ate a chunk a granola today and some yogies, not ideal, but they made me feel better.... Also ate some of my banana chunk I got for breakfast. Drinking water too.....