Toe nail injury

The Rat Shack Forum

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My rat injured his toe nail while I was at work the other day. His toe nail wasn’t completely ripped off, but it was definitely torn from his skin. It’s been 24 hours and the nail is completely black and the cuticle area is red and tad swollen. There’s no puss, smell, or other sign of infection. I’m thinking it will just fall off naturally, but. I just want to be sure. Does this look normal?


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Even though it only looks bruised you should still take him to the vet. I don’t want to be dramatic but it could become infected and poison his blood or necrotic. A sign of necrosis are black tissue because it is deceased due to infection or disease.
Since it is red and swollen, personally I would look into an antibiotic such as clavamox, and possibly the pain med/anti-inflammatory Metacam, from the vet.
Keep an eye in the injury as swelling is dangerous as it can cut off the flow of blood