Silent Spinner

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I attach mine to the side of the cage. If I were to have it in there on it's stand, I'm sure the rats would knock it over somehow. My two girls (only 2 rats out of 11 use it!) don't pee/poop when they run on it, thankfully. But every couple of days I spray some vinegar/water on it and wipe it down just to make sure it's 100% clean.
Boo, they don't make 12" pink Silent Spinners! At least not that I can find - I even messaged an eBay seller asking.
So I bought a silent spinner last night ($28.99), the girls weren't to keen on the new thing in the cage they stayed away from it. This morning when I went to give them their morning cheerios I noticed that they decided to try and bury it. Someone had slung all of the litter into and around the wheel, and I mean all of the litter there was none except for in the wheel and around it, I someone tried to run in it, it would not move. I am pretty sure the culprit was Jazmine she did not look happy when I spread the litter back out and wiped the wheel out. Silly girls, they always get angry when I add or replace toys. :tantrum:
I have a silent spinner (green, lol).. and it is currently used for storage. The put baby blocks they're not chewing, and blankies they're not using to snuggle with in the wheel until they are ready to use them. :roll:

I keep putting it in there, though, juuuuust in case they decide to use it.

Sometimes someone climbs up the top of the cage and tries to stand on the wheel, or they just hang there and spin it with a paw. Weird.
In my older crews cage, it's used as a swing, for lounging but even if they don't use it for running, it's still something that attracts them and if it entices them to use it for storage then it means it's stimulating their brains... which is a very good thing. :wink:
I know a lot of people with hedgehogs complain about silent spinners falling apart but I have never heard it from rat owners. I guess it's cuz hedgies are bigger.
I just have to say, Lucille 2 is finally an OFFICIAL wheel runner! I only discovered this about a week ago.. I am SO HAPPY. It's adorable when she runs in it... I feel so accomplished as a rat mom to finally have a wheeler.
Moon, congratulations! I totally feel the same way. I only got my Silent Spinner a few weeks ago, and although everyone besides Maddie and Faroe were put off by it (some we downright SCARED!), my crew seems to be slowly coming around to the idea. I've even witnessed by older boy, Nigel, running on it - and he's 600 grams! I was so excited and happy for him :)
CongRATS moon! I'm telling you, when you spot the rat finally running the wheel, well, it's like seeing your baby walk for the first time. :lol:
I know, I was so happy I almost cried! The next time I caught her at it picture me running through the house: "Guys, come see Lucille 2 run in the wheel!!"

No one came. LOL

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